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- 05. In The Arabic Language Garden - Pre-K to 6 - في حديقة اللغة العربية
Achieve and applying the four linguistic skills required for learning Arabic: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Has been created & designed by qualified experts and professors
- A complete package of educational solutions, Series from Grade JK - Grade 10
- Contemporary contents, topics reflect the society
- Engage students in rich fun & easily-learning activities
- Provides the perfect foundation for alphabet tasks and
- activities on letters, sounds & pronunciation.
- It has multi-skills in grammar approaches in communicative contexts
- Natural Arabic, communicative approach, critical thinking
- Use multimedia, Self-study interactive CD in each level
. تحقيق معايير الإطار المرجعي الأوروبي المشترك للغات (CEFR) من خلال تطبيق ودمج المهارات اللغوية الأربع: الاستماع، والتحدث، والقراءة، والكتابة. قام بإعداد ومراجعة هذه السلسلة مجموعة من الخبراء التربويين والأساتذة الجامعيين من ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة.
الميزات العامة
- تقدم حزمة تعليمية وتربوية متكاملة من صف الروضة حتى الصف العاشر.
- محتويات معاصرة تناسب بيئة التلميذ، جمال في التصميم والإخراج الفني.
- تناسب المدارس اليومية والأسبوعية، وتحتوي على تدريبات وأنشطة تفاعلية.
- توفر عدة منهجيات متقدمة للتدريب على أبجديات الحروف والأصوات والنطق.
- تحتوي على آليات وأدوات لقياس مدى تقدم الطالب في العملية التعليمية.
- محاور تربوية هادفة تنمي السلوك والأخلاق والتفكير الإبداعي.
- منهج متقدم في النحو والصرف مع استعمال اللغة العربية الفصيحة
- تستخدم التكنولوجيا الرقمية والملتيميديا في التعليم.
- توزيع المادة التعليمية حسب الموضوعات والوحدات.
- الطالب هو محور العملية التعليمية.
05. In The Arabic Language Garden - Pre-K to 6 - في حديقة اللغة العربية
In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level KG1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level KG1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
مستوى الروضة هو المستوى التعليمي الأول من سلسلة (في حديقة اللغة العربية) وهو الكتاب الأول من مرحلة الروضة - قبل المدرسة ويقدم للتلاميذ الغير ناطقين باللغة العربية من عمر 4 -5 سنوات. تحتوي المادة العلمية على عدد 180 صفحة تم توزيعها على كتابين (الكتاب الأساس + كتاب التمارين التكميلية) لسهولة شرح المحتويات من قبل المعلم، وسهولة ترتيب الأفكار في ذهن...

In the Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level KG1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Pre-Kindergarten is the first level in the In the Arabic Language Garden series and it is for non-Arabic-speaking students from the age of 4 to 5 years. The material contains 180 pages distributed in two books (textbook and workbook) for the ease of explaining the contents by the teacher and the ease of arranging the ideas in the mind of stude...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level KG2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
The kindergarten level is the second level in the series (In the Garden of the Arabic Language), which is the second book (Kindergarten Two) for the kindergarten stage - before school, and it is for non-Arabic speakers from the age of 5-6 yearsThe educational material contains 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook + Workb...

In the Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level KG2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
The kindergarten level is the second level in the series (In the Garden of the Arabic Language), which is the second book (Kindergarten Two) for the kindergarten stage - before school, and it is for non-Arabic speakers from the age of 5-6 years The educational material contains 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook + Wor...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
The first level in the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for elementary non-Arabic speakers, which starts from the age of 6 -7 years, and it can also be used for teenagers up to 15 years who have not previously learned the Arabic languageThe educational material consists of 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook book ...

In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
The first level in the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for elementary non-Arabic speakers, which starts from the age of 6 -7 years, and it can also be used for teenagers up to 15 years who have not previously learned the Arabic language The educational material consists of 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook boo...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
This the second level of the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students, and the educational material was distributed on two books (Textbook + Workbook).This level supports the skill of reading, starting from making the student able to master many skills, which helps him to read properly, and then to reach his understandi...

In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
This the second level of the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students, and the educational material was distributed on two books (Textbook + Workbook). This level supports the skill of reading, starting from making the student able to master many skills, which helps him to read properly, and then to reach his understan...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 3 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
Level 3 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students contains many new skills in addition to basic skills in learning Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. At this level, the student will learn many new vocabularies and synthetic methods that help him to read & understand the Arabic sentences and link them together t...

In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 3 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Level 3 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students contains many new skills in addition to basic skills in learning Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. At this level, the student will learn many new vocabularies and synthetic methods that help him to read & understand the Arabic sentences and link them together t...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
في المستوى الرابع من سلسلة (في حديقة اللغة العربية)، سوف يكتسب التلميذ المزيد من مهارات تعلم اللغة العربية ابتداءً من المستوى الرابع، أصبح وجود القواعد النحوية ضرورياً في تعلم اللغة العربية كلفة ثانية للناطقين بغيرها، وهذا ما يجعل التلميذ قادرا على تكوين جمل صحيحة البنية والمعنى. يتكون هذا المستوى من كتابين (الكتاب الأساس + كتاب القواعد المبسطة)...
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة

In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة
In level 4 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), the student will acquire more skills in learning the Arabic language. This level consists of two books (Textbook + Grammar book), which leads to raising the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of the student through receiving a set of interesting texts related to the reality of the stu...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 5 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
In level 5 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), the student will acquire other new skills that help him learn Arabic as a second language for non-Arabic speakers.This level consists of two books (Textbook + Grammar book), where the user of these two books works to raise the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of the student by recei...
In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 5 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة

In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 5 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة
In level 5 of the In the Arabic Language Garden series, non-Arabic-speaking students will acquire new skills that will help them learn Arabic as a second language. This level consists of two books (textbook and grammar book) that raise the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of students by offering interesting texts related to the student’s r...

In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 6 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
Level 6 in the In the Arabic Language Garden series is the last level for elementary school students to learn Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. Students will acquire further development of the skills of expression and conversation, as well as the development of the skill of reading aloud and silent reading. Students will be able to develop the...
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 6 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة

In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 6 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب القواعد المبسطة
Level 6 in the In the Arabic Language Garden series is the last level for elementary school students to learn Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. Students will acquire further development of the skills of expression and conversation, as well as the development of the skill of reading aloud and silent reading. Students will be able to develop the...