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A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 1 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In thi...

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 2 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In ...

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 3 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is the kind of book you can read and reread time and time again and always feel renewed. There is something to learn on nearly every page of this book, especially lessons that you can incorporate into your everyday life. This is a book, not only for those who want to be entertained, but even more so for those who want to impr...

A Cup of Mint Tea : Volume 5 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In t...

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 6 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation.

A Race to Prayer: Sulaiman's Rewarding Day
Something always stops Sulaiman from having fun. First it’s Dhuhr prayer, then it’s the rain, and then the car breaks down just as he is leaving to watch the quad bike races. He eventually gets to the races, but then Asr prayer time comes around. When he is finally ready to settle back into his seat something frightening happens, and Sulaiman so...

It Must Have Been You!
A quirky, rhyming story of a cute little girl who unintentionally makes a mess everywhere. She goes through her innocent, childlike actions and is caught in the act by the pointing fingers of different family members every time! Finally, she does just the right thing to make it all better and transforms the pointing fingers to hugs and kisses.

Room 101 and Other Stories: Volume One
A treasure that must be thrown away. A creature faced with mortal temptation. A discontented worm who longs to be a snake. Two friends whose understanding of hardship differs vastly. A rabbit that learns to appreciate his mother the hard way... This beautifully illustrated collection of twelve thought-provoking stories sets out to encourage chi...

Who Could I Be
Through the book, children will learn about animals and their distinctive features, and the repetitive use of questioning encourages them to use the clues to keep guessing and wanting to turn the page to find out what animal it is. Most importantly, it sheds light on and promotes the beauty of our Creator’s creations.

The BFF Sisters Jennah's New Friends
Detailed Description: Jennah talks about her new friends from different lands and cultures. At first she is hesitant and uneasy about their loyalty and friendliness and prefers to keep them out of her circle of close friends. However, after interacting with them, she realizes that her new friends are trustworthy and it is her own selfish at...

She Wore Red Trainers
When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her - her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers – in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, the...

Jannah Jewels - The Treasure of Timbuktu: Book 1
Detailed Description: In their first book, a team of young Muslim women called the Jannah Jewels are brought to the ancient city of Timbuktu in Mali and meet the Treasure King. There they visit the Grand Mosque and University while trying to find the missing manuscript.Who exactly is the Treasure King? And can the Jannah Jewels restore the ...

Amana Reading Series: Grade 2 (6 Books)
Stories of a Muslim family in living in North America. Jamal, the youngest of the family and main character of this series, is great at getting into mischief typical of 5-6 year olds. As usual mom and dad help save the day. Wonderfully written and creative stories with a touch of humor that kids, parents and teachers alike will appreciate. This ...

Amana Reading Series: Grade 1 (6 Books)
The Amana Series presents the Saeed family, an American Muslim family and their children. In the first and second grades we are introduced to Jamal, a six year old boy who is an expert at getting into trouble! Author Uthman Hutchinson (also known for The Invincible Abdullah Series) has a wonderful gift of writing as he offers us a look into the ...

Adventures in the Nile Valley
This is the companion story to New Friends, New Places and presents a fascinating account of the British Muslim boy, Adam's second visit to Egypt. He is amazed and captivated by the many Islamic monuments, exciting historical places and hectic but colorful life of Islamic Egypt. His journey takes him to Al Azhar, the famous thousand-year old Isl...

A Cup of Mint Tea: Volume 2 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In this s...

A Cup of Mint Tea: Volume 1 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation.In this b...

Young Sherlock Holmes and John Whiskers: The Nervous Case of the Missing Homework
Young Sherlock Holmes and his stuffed sidekick cat, John Whiskers, solve a mysterious case at Sherlock’s new school. In the meantime, Sherlock has to solve a problem of his own—feeling nervous about making new friends.

Sandi and the Ladybug
Based on a true story! Sandi finds Walter the ladybug in her lettuce and tries to help him find his way back home, but they figure out that home can be with new friends. In this, Sandi’s first children’s book, she hopes to teach our youngest generation that all creatures, big or even as small as a ladybug, should be honored and cherished.

The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes مغامرات شرلوك هولمز
كتاب يتكون من 12 قصة كتبت من طرف آرثر كونان دويل، تم تجميعها في كتاب واحد تحت عنوان مغامرات شرلوك هولمز يشمل الكتاب على 12 قصة هي: فضيحة في بوهيميا. قضية هوية. عصبة ذوي الشعر الأحمر. لغز وادي بوسكومب. بذور البرتقال الخمس. الرجل ذو الشفة الملتوية. مغامرة الجوهرة الزرقاء. لغز العصابة الرقطاء. مغامرة إبهام المهندس. مغامرة النبيل الأعزب....

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer مغامرات توم سوير
يعتبر "مارك توين" الكاتب الفكاهي الأميركي من أعظم كتاب أميركا الساخرين، الناقدين للمجتمع، وإن كان نقده أقرب إلى الهدم منه إلى البناء، دوّن مارك توين في مسيرته الأدبية العديد من الكتب العالمية الهامة، التي ساق فيها تفاصيل مغامرات ناشئ استطاع بحشريته وولعه بالمغامرة والاستكشاف أن يصل إلى الثروة وهو يافع بعد. وكتاب "مغامرات توم سوير" الذي بين أيدي...

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea عشرون ألف فرسخ تحت البحر
ملخص الكتاب: الرواية نموذج رائع لهذا الخيال الخصب الناضج فقد تخيل الكاتب فيها امكانية اختراع غواصة تسير تحت سطح الماء قبل اختراع الغواصة بنحو أربعين عاماً وأعجب من هذا أن الغواصة التى رسمها بخياله لا تكاد نفترق كثيرا شكلا وتصميماً عن الغواصات التى تم اختراعها بعد ذلك وبعد أن اخترع بخيالة غواصتة الفريدة استطاع ببراعته الادبيةأن يصور لنا شخصية قا...

Journey To The Center Of The Earth رحلة الى مركز الارض
يجعلنا جون فرن المتحمس للتقدم العلمي في عصره ، نعتقد أنه من الممكن النزول إلى أعماق الأرض. قام الكاتب بأبحاث في علم المعادن والجيولوجيا، وعلم التحجرات، فأذهل الخبراء بوصفه لحيوانات ما قبل التاريخ.

The Mysterious Island الجزيرة الغامضة
تدور القصة حول 6 أسرى حرب حاولوا الهرب بمنطاد ليصلوا إلى جزيرة غير مأهولة في منتصف المحيط جانب أستراليا. حاولوا التعايش مع الوضع بالطرق البدائية وكان القائد والمشرف عليهم هو المهندس (هاردنج) الذي كان على وشك الموت. بعد سنين ذهبوا لينقذوا رجل إنجليزي بعدما وجدوا رسالة منه. عندما ذهبوا لينقذوه تبيّن لهم بأن ليس الرجل هو من كتب الرسالة. وهنا تشتت ...

Kei كاي
في العام 2100م، بعد أن اختفت قارّة أستراليا عن الوجود، وتكليف مجموعة لإنقاذ البشريّة من سبع دول هي: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، اليابان، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، الاتّحاد الأوروبي، الصّين، روسيا، وكوريا الموحّدة، لإعادة القارّة إلى وضعها السّابق . يجري معظم أحداث الرّواية تحت سطح كوكب المرّيخ، حيث تعيش مخلوقات تمتلك تقنيّات متطوّرة لا يملكه...

Shirin: salami and chocolate surprise
Here comes Shirin, the innocent, clever, practical girl who is always getting into trouble and learns important lessons along the way! This series tells the funny stories of the naughty-but-nice Shirin in her life at school and at home. This series is not to be missed by any kid with a love for mischief, jokes and adventure! It also gives a ...

The Special Words (illustrated children's story) الكلمة العزيزة
As the glass from the broken vase shatters, so does the bond between two best friends: Maryam and Sara. This story, beautifully penned by Dr. Yusra Shabbir, about two friends caught in a web spun by a jealous new classmate, shows how a mother’s sincere advice helps the girls reconcile their differences with two special words!

Robinson Crusoe روبنسون كروز
هذه الرواية هي سيرة ذاتية تخيلية وهي تحكى عن شاب انعزل في جزيرة ما، وحيدا لمدة طويلة دون أن يقابل أحد من البشر، ثم بعد عدة سنوات يقابل أحد المتوحشين وعلمه بعض ما وصل اليه الإنسان المتحضر من تقدم فكري وجعله خادمه. وفي نهاية القصة عاد روبنسون كروزو ومعه خادمه إلى أوروبا حيث العالم المتحضر. وهذه القصة تعني إلى الكثيرين حلم الانعزال عن هذا العالم...

Oliver Twist أوليفر تويست
تحكي قصة "أوليڤر تويست" عن هذا الطفل الصغير الذي ماتت أمه بعد ولادته مباشرة. ولقد لاحظ الطبيب ان الأم لا ترتدي خاتم زفاف فظن أن الطفل غير شرعي، إلا أن هذا الانطباع كان مجرد حكم متسرع على الطفل الصغير حيث من عادة تشارلز ديكنز إحاطة الغموض حول رواياته. أما والده فقد مات بعد ولادته بأشهر قليلة.

The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family الأزرق الفخور: قصة الحجاب والعائلة
A powerful, vibrantly illustrated story about the first day of school—and two sisters on one's first day of hijab—by Olympic medalist and social justice activist Ibtihaj Muhammad. With her new backpack and light-up shoes, Faizah knows the first day of school is going to be special. It's the start of a brand new year and, best of all, it's her...

What's The Use of Being Mad?
Burcu lives with her mom, dad, her brother Alper and her lovely bird Giggles. Burcu is curious and sometimes mischievous girl, but she's also very cute. Burcu and her brother Alper's adventures will surely entertain any child. Burcu is even cuter than her brother, and the readers of all ages cannot help but love her!

Under My Hijab
Grandma's hijab clasps under her chin. Auntie pins hers up with a whimsical brooch. Jenna puts a sun hat over hers when she hikes. Iman wears a sports hijab for tae kwon do. As a young girl observes the women in her life and how each covers her hair a different way, she dreams of the possibilities in her own future and how she might express her ...

A Trust of Treasures
Here is a tale of praise and gratitude, To the Power of the One, Who created the magnificent riches of the earth and the skies and then, Like a hidden treasure waiting to be known, Created us. And it is we alone among all creatures Who can reflect, And accept stewardship, And bow down in love and awe. A world waiting...

I Say Alhamdulillah
Muslims say alhamdulillah many times in a day. Alhamdulillah means "praise be to God" in Arabic. Nabil and Noura learn to say alhamdulillah after finishing something and after sneezing in this simple and attractive little book. Will they remember to say alhamdulillah, or will they forget? This is the second title in the I Say series, which al...

Zak and His Good Intentions
Zak and his sister Hana decide to see how many good deeds they can do in one day. However, everything is going wrong for Zak, and his plans only end in disappointment and lots and lots of mess. After his misadventures, Zak realizes that it isn't only what happens that matters; his good intentions count too. J. Samia Mair has published thre...

Aisha Goes in Search of Colour
Bubblesville is the capital of Nectarland. It is known to be the most colorful place in the whole world. It is home to the world's most special and unusual insects. Aisha is one of them! Come and discover how Aisha learns to live with being different in this charming tale set amongst the world of insects.

Never Too Small
Detailed Description: "Everybody is afraid of something, whether it is spiders, heights, or the dark. A young boy is too afraid to try things because of his size, but a good friend helps him feel better. In the same way a diverse group of characters get over their fears with a letter from a loved one. This endearing tale about common fears ...

Adnan's Travels
Journey with young Adnan as he travels with his father to India, Turkey, and Morocco and discovers many colorful sights and interesting sounds along the way. This delightful story is told through letters home and is full of interesting people and places which will broaden many a child's mind.

The Adventures of Musab
A collection of four short stories about a boy called Musab and the lessons that he learns from the people that he meets. These are charming stories that will teach children the importance of honesty and good Islamic behavior. Illustrated in color and recommended for ages 8 and over.

A Cup of Mint Tea: Volume 6 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation.

The Straw House Series (set of 7 Books) سلسة كوخ القش
سلسلة كوخ القش التي تضم سبع روايات وتحمل معاني إنسانية وتحكي قصة (سانغ) ابن مدير المدرسة في قرية "يومادي" وما يعيشه من مغامرات وقصص مع أصدقائه في المدرسة ومع أهل القرية، وهي من إصدارات دار المنهل الجديدة. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: الغرنوق الأصلع البقعة السوداء وسط الثلج الجدة الوفية والحقل غرق البوبة الحمراء حلم البيت الكبير في ا...

The Hunchback of Notre Dame احدب نوتردام
.... في هذه اللّحظة، كان يمرُّ بالصدفة نقيب في سلاح الرّماة التّابع مباشرةً للملك على رأس دوريّة، فسمع صراخها. فهرع إلى المكان وخلّص الفتاة من بين ذراعي كوازيمودو. قاوم كوتزيمودو الجنود بضراوة لكن في النّهاية أمسكوا به. أمّا رفيقه فقد توارى عن الأنظار. أمعنت الحسناء الغجريّة النّظر في وجه منقذها النّقيب ثمّ سألته بنعومة عن اسمه. وفيما كان ي...

David Copperfield
... انتقلت إلى بيت جديد أعيش فيه وحدي كرجل راشد. وكان بيتي يطلّ على النهر، فأحببت العيش هناك. غير أنّي كنت أشعر بالوحدة في بعض الليالي. وكنت أشتاق إلى صديقتي العزيزة آنياس. فمعها أتحدّث عن كلِّ شيءٍ – عن المدرسة والمشاكل والأحلام والآمال. بعد أيام قليلة، وصلتني رسالة منها. كانت في لندن مع أبيها وأورياه هيب. ذهبت إليهم في زيارةٍ واكتشفت أنّ أمر...

Journey to the Center of the Earth
وسرعان م توقّفت وتمسكت بعمّي. لقد رأيت بأمّ العين ظلالاً تلوح وراء الأشجار. إنها حيوانات عملاقة، فيلةٌ ضخمة. كنت أسمع ضوضاء أنيابها العاجيّة وهي تكسر جذوع الأشجار وتقتلعها بشراسة. نظر عمّي إلى هذه المخلوقات باهتمام وشغفٍ شديدين. ثم أمسك بيدي وهتف: "هيا بنا.". فأجبته بانفعال: "لا! لن أفعل ذلك أبداً. ماذا يمكننا ان نفعل وسط هذا القطيع من البهائم ا...

Oliver Twist
قاد السيّد بامبل أوليفر إلى صالة بيضاء كبيرة حيث كان أعضاء المجلس جالسين. " ما اسمك يا صغيري؟ " سأل الرجل الجالس إلى رأس الطاولة. "أوليفر تويست, يا سيدي." " حسناً يا أوليفر. أتينا بك إلى هنا لنثقفكَ و نعلّمكَ مهنتة مفيدة." ثمّ أُخذ أوليفر إلى إحدى الغرف في الإصلاحية. و في تلك الليلة, استلقى أوليفر فوق سريره الجديد, القاسي و ال...

Kamillah the Butterfly
Kamillah is a caterpillar who is struggling to understand life’s changes. With a friend by her side and discovering a beautiful surprise at the end of her cycle, she happily accepts the biggest change. A lovely book any child can relate to. It will definitely leave little ones wanting to read it repeatedly.

It's bedtime! Yunus wants to talk, but his sister Saarah goes on an imagining spree. She talks about animals, and dinosaurs and aliens as friends. She talks about sending an Eid gift to orphans and cooking extra meals in Ramadan for the poor, and a whole lot more! A fun and creative story that also shows a loving sibling relationship.

Ramadan without Daddy: Khadija's Story of Love, Courage and Hope
The concept of divorce is very challenging for young children. This book is based around a Muslim family and the story of young Khadija helping her mother and brother. The story gives many opportunities for positive discussion for parents and educators wanting to explore this difficult concept with balanced sensitivity from an Islamic perspectiv...