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Manners and Character-Building

Ilyas and Duck: Search for Allah
Beautifully illustrated and written in a wonderful rhyming pattern, Ilyas and Duck Search for Allah is an adorable story about a boy’s quest to find God. Where is Allah? This charming story presents the answer in a simple way that is easy enough for a 3 year old to understand. Ilyas is a typical 5 year old boy with a insatiable appetite for q...

How to Get Hijab Ready
How do you tell your friends about hijab? What if someone makes fun of you at school? How do you choose a style that you like and feel comfortable in? Who exactly do you have to cover in front of? How do you avoid getting too hot? How to Get Hijab Ready: A Guide for Muslim Girls Ages 8 to 11 gives you a simple and easy guide to getting ready to...

30 Hadith for Kids
A unique selection of 30 ahadith, with explanations written in language which is child-friendly and relatable to young minds. What does it mean? How can I use it in my life? The language of hadith often goes over children's heads, leaving them uninterested, and unable to retain the information. Alhamdulilah, not with this book! The child-friendl...

A Muslim Girl's Guide to Life's Big Changes
Have you ever wanted to know the truth about growing up as a young Muslimah but were too shy to ask an adult? Well this is the perfect book for you! Written from a big sister perspective, A Muslim Girls Guide to Life's Big Changes explains all, from choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical c...

Allah Loves Me (Hardcover) الله يحبّني
Meet Yasmin, a curious and creative young girl who loves to explore new challenges. Whether she's helping out at the library, experimenting in the kitchen, or leading a school project, Yasmin always finds a way to shine with her problem-solving skills and imagination. Below are a series of stories, each containing four titles, showcasing Yasmin’...

Migo & Ali: Love for the Prophets
This delightful hardback book contains vibrantly illustrated stories of the prophets, from Adam (a) to Muhammad (s). These stories are concise, and told in engaging, child-friendly language. A delightful question and answer session after each story is also unique in its style, depicted as a conversation between the two lovable characters. Ali pr...

Muslim Girl, Growing Up: A Guide to Puberty
"How can I prepare her for this new phase? I wanted to find a resource that can explain the details of this special stage while also integrating the important aspects of it from the Islamic religion. Being from the West, most books I found only explained the physiological changes. But I found that Muslim girls, especially ones from Western count...

The Apple Tree (The Prophet Says Series)
Little Shaima learns a valuable lesson in giving for the sake of charity and reward from God after planting an apple tree with her dad. By learning to give the fruit to others, including people, animals, and birds, she overcomes the selfishness she feels about wanting to keep all the fruit to herself. Based on an Islamic Prophetic saying - Hadit...

Ilyas & Duck in a Zakat Tale: A Story about Giving
Ilyas understands the importance of giving Zakat. But Duck is too concerned about parting with his money. Will Ilyas succeed in convincing Duck why giving money to the poor and needy is necessary? Will Duck understand how giving Zakat also benefits him and the community? Take a trip with Ilyas & Duck to a land, Once Upon a Time, as the dyn...

A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes
Have you ever had questions about growing up? As a Muslim but didn't know who to ask? Maybe you have questions about your faith, your changing body, your relationships, your studies and how it is all supposed to fit together. Well, this is the perfect book for you! In A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes, Sami Khan explains all in a 'big...

23 Duas for Kids
When asked to make dua, young kids often say that they "don’t have one," or "don’t know what to ask for." Also, children often memorize duas from the Quran and Sunnah and try to apply them in their daily lives, without them going beyond the lips, because they haven’t fully grasped the meaning or power of what they are asking for. This book mak...

How to Scare a Monster
'"There's only one way to scare a monster…" A book about calling on Allah, for any child who has ever been scared of anything. The words Audhoobillah are introduced by Zanib Mian in a fun, powerful, and effective way.

Musa & Friends - Say Bismillah
Detailed Description: Musa & Friends - a charming collection of board books for pre-schoolers. Written and created by award-winning author, Zanib Mian and spectacularly illustrated by Daniel Hills.

Musa & Friends - Do Ramadan
Detailed Description: Musa & Friends - a charming collection of board books for pre-schoolers. Written and created by award-winning author, Zanib Mian and spectacularly illustrated by Daniel Hills.

My Dad's Beard
This book is huge in size and huge in sentiment! It honours the male figures in the family and glorifies the Sunnah of keeping a beard. An adorable little boy personifies his love for his father through his beard, sharing how it looks at different times, makes him even more handsome, and why the whole family love it! Full of fun and fantastic fo...

The War Within Our Hearts
The War within Our Hearts is not just another book about Muslim young people. It is a book written for young Muslims addressing issues they can relate to and in a language that is their own. Covering the key issues for young Muslims in the west today including dating, music, internet, this is a book everyone should have. It also has an introduct...

Our Book of Du'a
This is a unique book of Dua' for young children. Twenty everyday prayers are are presented with Arabic text, transliteration and translation. Every aspect of a child's life is covered: waking, eating, leaving home, etc. Each page teaches a du'a' for a different event by showing the Arabic, the English pronunciation and the English translation...

44 Ways to Manhood: Breaking Old Habits and Building New Personalities Based on Qur'an and Sunnah رق للرجولة: كسر العادات القديمة وبناء شخصيات جديدة قائمة على القرآن والسنة44
What does it mean for a Muslim man to have a personality that is in accordance with the Islamic guidelines? In this informative and enlightening book, based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Taymullah Abdur-Rahman presents 44 principles that Muslim men need to implement in their lives. This book will be a useful resource for Muslim men ...

Musa & Friends - Say Alhamdulillah
Detailed Description: Musa & Friends - a charming collection of board books for pre-schoolers. Written and created by award-winning author, Zanib Mian and spectacularly illustrated by Daniel Hills.

Musa & Friends - Go to The Masjid
Detailed Description: Musa & Friends - a charming collection of board books for pre-schoolers. Written and created by award-winning author, Zanib Mian and spectacularly illustrated by Daniel Hills.

Muslim Manners
The book provides a comprehensive guide to traditional Islamic teaching and its effect on Muslims' daily lives. Only by following God's guidance can Muslims live in peace while they are on earth and attain Paradise in the Afterlife. It is through a strong network of Islamic attitudes and actions based on knowledge that Muslims are able to bind...

Kids of the Ummah
Kids of the Ummah is the first title in a series of beautiful books designed for children 2-5 years old. It features wonderfully illustrated Muslim characters in 26 diverse cities around the world, from award-winning graphic designer Peter Gould. A fantastic way to introduce children to their A-Z alphabet, and their phonetic Arabic equivalent...

Islamic Manners
Written by one of the most outstanding scholars of the 20th century, Islamic Manners is a vital book that exemplifies the sublime Islamic personality. Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah (1917 - 1997) was a leading scholar in the field of hadeeth and strove not only in narrating prophetic traditions but also making it a living reality. This book di...

Inter Personal Relations
Inter Personal Relations: An Islamic Perspective explains the Islamic code of conduct which should govern our social relations. Based on the Qur'an and hadeeth, it instructs extensively in developing such moral and social traits and behavior patterns which invest our social life with peace, harmony, love and joy. It presents before us the Islami...

A Guide to Male-Female Interaction in Islam
Interaction between unrelated members of the opposite sex is inevitable at times. Yet, questions about whether or not it is permissible, and if so, to what extent, need to be asked. Are Muslim men allowed to interact with female students in a virtual classroom, and vice versa? Can Muslim women pursue a professional career which necessitates thei...

Nafsies - A Muslim Girl's Guide To Growth
This self-guided journal has been meticulously crafted to empower young Muslim girls in their journey of self-discovery. It invites them to explore their innermost thoughts, dreams, and passions, fostering their growth into the best version of their unapologetic selves.Tailored for girls between the ages of 9 and 15, this journal serves as a va...

How to Pray
A delightful, easy, step-by-step guide for children (or even new Muslims) on how to perform the Islamic prayer (salah). A step-by-step guide for how to make ablution (wudu) is also included. Zanib Mian's easy to understand explanations make this book another must-have for Muslim children. "A novel and easy approach to learning wudu and praye...

Purity & Prayer: A Rhyming Picture Book of Sacred Rulings
This collection of poems for children outlines essential knowledge of the ritual ablution and prayer according to the Hanafi school, the largest school of Islamic law. Along with the poems, it provides an appendix for clarification. Its purpose is to give children and parents access to knowledge that makes one's worship valid, sound, and proper ...

The Change
The story presents practical life lessons from an eleven year old that we can all relate to. Sometimes the good that is deep inside needs some encouragement to come out. This encouragement can come from a special incident or a special person. The fact is that there is good in all of us, we just need the courage to fight peer pressure to be our t...

The Book of Manners
Among the many good deeds that the Prophet (S) guided us to and the evil that he (S) warned us about, are a set of manners that are comprehensive of worldly matters and religious matters, of worship and dealings - dealings with one's family, children, acquaintances, and strangers. On this subject the writings of great scholars like Ibn Al-Qayyim...

My Wudu Book
My Wudu Book This simple, hands-on illustrated guide will help your child gain a greater understanding of the Wudu (the basic form of purification for Salah) according to the Qur'an and the Sunnah. A step by step guide to perfecting your child's Wudu according to the Quran and the Sunnah. check the whole set.

My Islamic Activity Book
My Islamic Activity Book presents a variety of lively learning experiences. The book covers essential Islamic Studies curriculum from first grade through fifth grade. Each activity will help your child review, reinforce and accelerate learning. It is a great activity book during regular school year or during any other time. Simple instructions, ...

My Du'a Book
My Du'a Book This excellent book contains selected supplications (du’a) for every child according to the Quran and the Sunnah. It tells children which du’a to say when they begin something. Some examples are what to do upon seeing a Muslim, when the name of the Prophet is mentioned, when one sneezes, when one is angry, and when one enters the to...

Islamic Manners Activity Book
Learn the correct Arabic du’as and expressions for various situations while having fun! 60+ pages of imaginative activities, puzzles, word searches, coloring pages, dot-to-dot and matching cards that will occupy and entertain children for hours.

Basic Duas for Children
Duas your children can recite at various times through the day, in simple rhyming text that is easy on the ears. This book is an excellent tool to use when trying to teach younger children basic Duas. This book breaks down the Duas into Arabic, Roman English, and English Translations and teaches your children when to say them. Included in this b...

Migo & Ali: A-Z of Islam
Detailed Description: Migo & Ali are back! This charming 300 page, full colour book, covers 75 topics! Children will find Islamic words or concepts explained in simple, loving, child-friendly language. Vibrant illustrations decorate every section, and we see more of the light-hearted, humourous dialogue between Migo and Ali, which is w...

Daily Duas for Kids مختصر عمل الطالب في يومه وليلته
Daily Duas for Kids is a collection of duas (supplications) that we make on a daily basis. Duas appear in Arabic and include an English translation and illustrations.

Allah Made Everything
Allah Made Everything: The Song Book, is based on the lyrics of the well loved children’s song by renowned singer and songwriter Zain Bhikha. The song was first released in 2015, and together with the hit video, has become one of the most popular children’s songs across the world. This is the first in a series of books, games, and other medi...

My Quran Friends Storybook (Paperback)
My Quran Friends Storybook has sixty stories from the lives of the prophets, highlighting Islamic teachings and virtues. This book encourages children to read Allah’s word and apply it in their everyday lives. It will help them to imbibe the true spirit of Islam. This storybook contains the following: Quranic stories and modern-day stori...

Bedtime Sunnahs: Emulating the Prophet one night at a time
This rhyming book outlines several nighttime Islamic practices for kids and even adults to implement before going to bed. Fostering a love for the Prophet’s Sunnah, as well as teaching children to practice good deeds consistently, it also includes references to associated hadiths, an explanation of Islamic terminology, and additional advanced pr...

The Prophet of Mercy Series (12 Books)
سلسلة نبي الرحمة : سلسلة قصصية مبسطة موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة. تركز هذه السلسلة على نماذج مختارة من سيرة النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتقف عند جوانب من إنسانيته وسلوكه الحضاري المتميز مثل: تعامله مع الأطفال والصبيان. الرفق بالحيوان والعناية بالنبات. بر الوالدين والإحسان إلى الخدم والضعفاء. توجيهاته عليه السلام بخصوص التعامل بيس...

The Ideal Muslim
The Ideal Muslim is a man of the highest moral character. In his relationship with Allah, himself, family, parents, relatives, friends and the community at large, he has a most excellent example in the Prophet of Islam (pbuh). His idealism is further strengthened by the characters of the first generations of Muslims who excelled in all the vario...

The Hijab Boutique
Farah enjoys her private girls' school and fun with her friends, until the day she is given the assignment to bring in something representing her mother to talk about for International Women's Day. Compared to her friend's glamorous actress, make-up artist and tap dancing mothers, what can her modest, humble mother possibly have that is worth sh...

My Special Angels: The Two Noble Scribes
Beside every person’s shoulder, there are two angels. Muslims know them as the Kiraman Katibin (the noble scribes). They write down every deed, good and bad, from a person’s first day to their last. Inside this book you will find out all about them, and how to turn those bad deeds into good ones, with a lovable and cheeky young boy.

My Quran Stories Gift Box: 2 (20 Quran Stories for Little Hearts, Paperback)
The Qur’an for Little Hearts series is designed to provide an easy way for children to understand and internalize the stories of Qur’an. Each book in the series teaches an important Qur’anic lesson through bright illustrations and easy to understand text. This set contains 20 Qur’an Stories in a bright gift box. Eye-catching and appealing illust...

My First Quran Story Book
Detailed Description: Here for young readers and listeners, are all the best treasured stories of the Quran in one beautifully illustrated volume. The stirring and dramatic stories of the great prophets, peoples and nations are unfolded as a family saga, one event leading naturally to the next. All these features in one great book: 42 easy ...

Islamic Values for Children (Medium Size)
Goodword Books introduces this wonderfully illustrated book for children of all ages in which the basic values of Islam are presented in an easy to understand daily life events. This book can be a valuable resource for anyone who wants to discover, in general terms, the values that Islam encourages.

Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid
The 'Hassan and Aneesah' series is designed to introduce young children to a range of Muslim places. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a range of new experiences. Hassan and Aneesa are going to masjid. At masjid they will make wudu, visit the prayer hall, listen to the adhan and perform a prayer. ...