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Islam in General Theme

What Islam is All About
60% discount available only for Masjids for da’wah purposes (Propagation) The global Muslim population continues to increase every year. With a tremendous influx of new converts in communities around the world and Islam under the microscope in media and politics, the need for a clear and comprehensive text that explores the faith—its history, ...

Contemplation in Islam
كتاب جديد للدكتور الداعية محمد راتب النابلسي، تنوعت موضوعاته بين: العقائد، والعبادات، والمعاملات، ومكارم الأخلاق، وسيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وصحابته الكرام، وفيه أيضا موضوعات أصولية، وتاريخية، وموضوعات أدبية، وقضايا معاصرة. حرص الأستاذ الكتور على أن يكون في الموضوع الواحد؛ ركن عقدي فلسفي، وركن من النقل الصحيح، كتاب وسنة مع الشرح الأصول...

The Tolerance of Islam and the Humanity of Muhammad- the Response to the Pope
موضوع الكتاب هو الموضوع الساخن، فقد ألقى البابا بينيدكت السادس عشر الحالي محاضرة على مدرج جامعته في ألمانيا يوم الثلاثاء الواقع في الثاني عشر من أيلول الجاري، قال فيها: إنّ العقيدة الإسلامية تقوم على أساس أن إرادة الله لا تخضع لمحاكمة العقل ولا المنطق. ثم إن محمداً لم يأت إلا بماهوسيئ وغير إنساني،كأمره بنشر الإسلام بحد السيف. وقبل...

Islam: An Introduction
The question of a human's relationship with the Divine is one that is eternal, revelatory, and profoundly nuanced. It is one that blends tradition, culture, history, social context, and human intelligence in the ongoing search for God through the path of love and worship—the path of Islam. From key concepts of the perception of "salam" to jihad ...

Which Way to Paradise? A Guide to Islam for Beginner and Intermediate Muslims
"Which Way to Paradise? A Guide to Islam for Beginner and Intermediate Muslims" seeks to elucidate Islamic principles and injunctions and elaborate on the very spirit of Islam, while at the same time exposing and refuting common misconceptions about the religion. In an engaging question and answer format, K. Sherman leads the readers on an uplif...

The Great Mosque Game
To help children learn, in an enjoyable way, about the basics of mosque architecture and layout, this unique questions and answers game provides a wealth of interesting information on all the world’s most important mosques. Special emphasis is laid on the Kabah and Islam’s most sacred cities of Makkah, Madinah and Jerusalem. By answering the que...

The Future of Islam
John L. Esposito is one of America's leading authorities on Islam. Now, in this brilliant portrait of Islam today-- and tomorrow-- he draws on a lifetime of thought and research to provide an accurate, richly nuanced, and revelatory account of the fastest growing religion in the world. Here, Esposito explores the major questions and issues t...

The Day Turkey Stood Still
On May 2, 1999, Merve Kavakci walked into the Turkish Grand National Assembly to take her oath of office as a member of Turkish Parliament, while wearing her Islamic headscarf (hijab) which is banned for civil servants in secular Turkey. A near riot ensued, and the Prime Minister told the crowd to 'put this woman in her place.' Since then, Kavak...

Life in Al-barzakh from Death until Resurrection
This book is the fourth in the series. It deals with many important matters that have always perplexed the human minds, but that, as is shown in this book, have been clearly explained in the authentic Texts from Allah's Book and His Messenger's Sunnah.Among the subjects covered are the following: The Moment of Death The Soul's Trip to the Heaven...

Islam: Silencing the Critics (Second Edition)
This book, a candid discourse on the most discussed faith of our time, is now being used as course material in educational establishments. With 1.2 billion adherents and more joining all the time, what is the reality of the religion of Islam? What does the Quran truly say about terrorism? What is Shariah law? Is Shariah law a threat to America a...

Islam its Meaning and Message
ISLAM ITS MEANING AND MESSAGE provides a window on the world of Islam. It presents Islam as the Muslims believe it and covers the whole spectrum of its beliefs, values, social principles, cultural institutions and contemporary problems. A book of readings on Islam, it contains some of the best writings of contemporary Muslim scholars dealing wit...

Islam: A Total Beginner's Guide (3-part set)
You must have heard about Islam and its adherents, Muslims, in the news. This book offers an insightful introduction to Islam and takes the reader through well-known authentic sources and takes a closer look at the Islamic faith, the Noble Qur'an, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah and his sayings. It explores the five pillars of Islam in ...

Introducción al Islam - Introduction to Islam (Spanish)
Este mensaje es para todos los seres humanos. Es por todo buscador de la verdad que tiene preguntas sobre el Islam, Dios (Alá) y cuál es el propósito de nuestra existencia es. Estas y muchas otras preguntas son discutidas y contestadas en este libro. Cuando consideramos por cuántas generaciones persecución religiosa y la ignorancia han preval...

Hamza Learns About Religions
Hamza is 5 years old and has just started kindergarten. Hamza is a very curious and energetic boy. Having a lot of energy, Hamza is constantly getting into trouble. He loves to ask questions and learn more about Islam. He loves to be the center of attention and has a wild imagination. Follow along as Hamza learns about new religions, in ye...

El Dia de la Resurreccion-The Day of Resurrection
The Day of Resurrection: In the Light of the Qur'an and Sunnah (Islamic Creed Series Vol. 6). Belief in the Day of Resurrection is one of the central tenets of Islamic faith. It is a belief that was preached by all the prophets, and it is a belief that makes sense of a sometimes incomprehensible world. Belief in the Day of Resurrection and t...

Joshua Adams has always been a wild child. He graduated from reckless childhood accidents to girls and alcohol. By the time he is twenty-three he has three children and a failing marriage. He leaves his wife, after yet another argument, and moves in with some Muslim guys he knows. With the patient encouragement of his friends, Joshua begins to s...

A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam
Islam has changed the lives of countless millions of people yet remains unknown or misunderstood to many more millions. It only needs to be presented and understood correctly. This publication is a summary of different facets of Islam which are briefly introduced. Every aspect and every perspective of it gives guidance and wisdom. Something for ...

A Basic Dictionary of Islam
Detailed Description: The author, a prolific writer of Books on Islam has presented an excellent dictionary of Islam, which would serve students and scholars alike. A good selection of Islamic terminology given a brief definition; it includes Islamic terminology from the Qur'an, Haddith as well as proper names of personalities and place nam...