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The Clear Quran with Arabic Text- Hardcover (8.7" x 5.7")
To achieve accuracy, the translator has made use of the greatest and most celebrated works of classical and modern tafsir (Quran commentaries), and shared the work with several imams in North America for feedback and insight. For clarity, every effort has been made to select easy to understand words and phrases that reflect the beauty, flow, and...

The Clear Quran - A Thematic English Translation (Paperback (8" x 5.2"), Gift Box Edition)
English only translation | Paperback with light velvety finish | Gift Box | Pleasant to read, easy to understand, noted for its clarity, accuracy, eloquence, and flow | Approved by Al-Azhar, endorsed by Al-Furqaan Foundation and the Canadian Council of Imams.About the TranslationFor a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegan...

44 Ways to Manhood: Breaking Old Habits and Building New Personalities Based on Qur'an and Sunnah رق للرجولة: كسر العادات القديمة وبناء شخصيات جديدة قائمة على القرآن والسنة44
What does it mean for a Muslim man to have a personality that is in accordance with the Islamic guidelines? In this informative and enlightening book, based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Taymullah Abdur-Rahman presents 44 principles that Muslim men need to implement in their lives. This book will be a useful resource for Muslim men ...

The Qur'an A Translation for the 21st Century
The Qur'an is God’s word. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel 1,400 years ago and has been preserved in its original form ever since, guiding humankind to the Islamic creed and legislation, informing them of the stories of earlier prophets and their communities and calling people to believe in Allah, the One. Millions o...
Arabic Keyboard transparent Stickers (White Letters) ستكر شفاف أحرف عربية باللون الأبيض

Arabic Keyboard transparent Stickers (White Letters) ستكر شفاف أحرف عربية باللون الأبيض
High-Quality arabic keyboard stickers for variety of Dark keyboards models .

Man & the Universe: An Islamic Perspective
It is now obvious that something has gone very wrong in the West, and that psychological and social alternatives have become pressing issues. In this timely book, Dr Badawi reminds us that Islam has a historically verifiable track record for healing social chaos and individual tragedy. Sadly, the principles of Islam have all too often been suppr...
Angels in Your Presence

Angels in Your Presence
Detailed Description: Throughout your existence, there are angels in your presence. But it’s your actions that cause those angels to either praise you or disgrace you. Through this book, we will explore the actions that invite these blessed unseen beings to pray upon you, and carry your name and mention to the One who created us all

Turning the Tide Reawakening the Women's Heart and Soul
Detailed Description: A book on the journey and different stages of a woman's life, from the inception of the soul to the end of life on Earth. With contemporary thoughts, words of wisdom, guidance and inspiration.
The Heart of the Quran

The Heart of the Quran
The Heart of The Qur'an is a well-researched commentary on Surah Yasin. It is written in simple English, complete with diagrams and illustrations to create an engaging read. The commentary is profound and inspiring; it masterfully highlights the nuances of the Qur'an’s language and repeatedly draws the reader’s attention toward practical change...

Tazkiyah The Islamic Path of Self-Development
Detailed Description: Self-development, tazkiyah, is an authentic Islamic practice. Yet self-development is rarely written about despite its centrality to Islamic life. This anthology is a practical manual in English to assist those who want to achieve self-development by purifying their souls and actions. It covers practical topics, includ...

Lessons from Surah al-Kahf (Paperback) سورة الكهف
Detailed Description: The Qur’an is full of parables. Each one, when its meaning is unpacked and understood, offers wisdom and guidance. Surah Kahf, chapter 18 from the Qur’an, is particularly thought provoking, and Muslims are advised to read it at least once a week. But why? And what can we gain from it? In this book Yasir Qadhi leads us ...
The Practical Method of Teaching and learning Quran (English) الطريقة العملية لتعلُّم وتعليم القرآن الكريم
Islamic Curriculum

The Practical Method of Teaching and learning Quran (English) الطريقة العملية لتعلُّم وتعليم القرآن الكريم
This book has been derived from twenty-five years of practical experience in the field of teaching the Glorious Qur'an. It is comprised of three messages addressed to: The parents, explaining the role they must play in order to help their children learn the Qur'an, as well as help the teachers teach the Qur'an. The students, explaining the role...

Issues in Islamic Society & State (Paperback)
Issues in Islamic Society and State is the English version of Syed Abul A’la Mawdudi's selected essays on topics of vital importance on the establishment of a society where individuals are facilitated to grow as free and responsible citizens of the state, where their basic rights are guaranteed, where there is no distinction of caste, color, or ...

Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Medicine: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and Islamic Bioethcs
Bioethics has developed over the last few decades into a major field of inquiry. With advances in medicine progressively transforming our understanding of what constitutes life, there is a need for medical ethics to address many of the issues and challenges arising, particularly in the fields of genetics and reproduction. Of central significance...
Arabic Language Arts Standards: Level 11–13 معايير فنون اللّغة العربيّة -المستوى الحادي عشر - المستوى الثالث عشر
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Language Arts Standards: Level 11–13 معايير فنون اللّغة العربيّة -المستوى الحادي عشر - المستوى الثالث عشر
This book consists of three chapters. The first chapter talks about the standards in general; the second chapter explains the standards in detail—the standards of Arabic language arts which were written by Dr. Hanada Taha. The third chapter includes learning objectives for each grade level. Each learning objective includes an appendix for visual...

Rethinking Reform in Higher Education: From Islamization to Integration of Knowledge
The reform in higher education in Muslim societies is in sum a paradigm shift in perspective driven by important considerations including the aims of education itself. It may require reforming existing disciplines and inventing new ones, as well as working in conjunction with current knowledge and discourses by taking effective account of the et...

White Honeycomb Lantern
This honeycomb lantern (8") can be used on a table setting or hung up for decor.

Calligraphy Bookmarks (Set of 6)
This pack of six bookmarks includes the following designs: In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent and Most Merciful ( بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ) The Name of Allah ( الله ) 2 Persian Designs There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Prophet (لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ ) Increase me in knowledge ( وقل رب ...

Full Color Print Cards
Full Color Print Cards contain : Al Asma al Husna (12" x 18") : The 99 Names of Allah are written in arabic on Abstract background. Original Painting in Acrylics Bismillah Masjid (12" x 18") : In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent/Acrylic Painting Allah (12" x 18") : Name of Allah are written in Ara...

Silver Embossed Eid Cards
Silver Embossed Eid Cards These attractive Eid cards are sure to express your best wishes for Eid. An embossed traditional Islamic art pattern on a metallic block of color is nothing short of elegance. Front: Eid Mubarak (in Arabic script) Inside: May the happiness and blessings of Eid be with you today and throughout the year, Insh...

Hilal Party Invitations
These invitations are an elegant way to request your guests' company for any occasion. Included text: Join us For _______________ Date ______________ Time ______________ Place ______________ Hosted By __________ RSVP ______________ Shades of blue on white cardstock. Size: 4.25x5.5 inches. 10 cards with 10 white envelopes. (MashaAll...

Wish My Life (Audio CD, With Music)
This is the first album for Adel Barabbaa & Almothlanna Bdiwi, a disabled singer who defied disability and released his first album, which is distinguished by his beautiful and warm voice. This nasheed album is with instruments. الألبوم الأول للمنشد مثنى بديوي والذي تحدى إعاقته وقام بأنتاج ألبوم جمع بين الجمال والصوت العذب. ليت عمري نسيم ...

Blank Cards (Set of 3)
Salma Arastu is a well-known artist with almost 40 solo shows to her credit. She has won several awards including East Bay Community’s fund for artists in 2012. She has completed three works in public places and two books published with her poems and paintings. Shortly after arriving in the United States, Salma became an entrepreneur with the cr...

People's Story (Audio CD, With Music)
This new album by the E'tissam Ensemble depicts the resistance of Gaza in the face of the Israeli war. These nasheed represent meaningful art dealing with realities from our world. The nasheeds are with music. الألبوم الجديد لفرقة الاعتصام الفلسطينية يصور صمود غزة في وجه الحرب الإسرائيلية يضم الإلبوم الأناشيد التالية: ثوب الفرح وحد صوتك ا...

Operetta Gulf Portraits (Audio CD, With Music)
This CD features nasheeds by a group of singers from the Arabian Gulf. It aims to present art inspired by Islam with a positive message. Album nasheeds are with music. مجموعة من الاناشيد الخليجية لمجموعة من منشدي الخليج العربي تتضمن: اللوحات الكويتية: خجلونا أداء محمد الحسيان ، والله ما ننسى أداء عادل الكندري، يا خليجي وش تبيني أداء إبراهيم ا...

Flash Cards -Arabic Words كلمات عربية
Learning conjugations makes the Arabic language easy. These cards include the most important roots and words. The cards are divided into three levels, and each level includes 80 cards (with 9–18 words per card). Students can therefore learn more than 1,000 words using this set. The roots included were chosen on the basis of two important c...

Apology (Audio CD)
It is the new album by the Yemeni singer Amen Hamem. All album nasheeds are without music. الألبوم الجديد للمنشد اليمني أمين حاميم حيث يتضمن الأناشيد التالية: هل من بشر لا تنتابني ياالتعب ألا يابال مكة حبك لنا ملموس من أنت صابتك الشوكة الله الله مع الله مثل السحابة يارب يارحمن

Cards for Different Occasions (10 cards)
These cards for different occasions are printed with appropriate verses of the Quran or hadith. Cards for the following occasions are included: Wedding (11 x 17“) Get Well Soon (5 x 7”) Birthday (11 x 17”) Graduation (5 x 7”) Ameen Mubarak (5 x 7”) Sympathy (11 x 17“) Hajj Mubarak (5 x 7”) Aqiqa Card (5 x 7”) Graduation (5 x 7”) Mot...

A Guide for The New Muslim (12 Audio CDs)
Detailed Description: Al-Basheer is proud to introduce a new CD collection from renowned author Sheikh Jamaal Zarabozo. This new collection, called A Guide for New Muslims, is one of Zarabozo’s best introductions to Islam. This CD collection is of great benefit to those looking to revert to Islam or simply looking for valuable dawah materia...
5 Myths About Classroom Technology: How do we integrate digital tools to truly enhance learning?
School Enrichment

5 Myths About Classroom Technology: How do we integrate digital tools to truly enhance learning?
ما الذي يُبقي مدرستك وراء منحنى التكنولوجيا؟ هل هو الخوف من غير المألوف؟ أو أساطير أخرى؟ هل فكرت كيف يمكن أن يستفيد الطلاب ذوو الاحتياجات الخاصة أو الطلاب الذين يتعلمون لغة ثانية من استخدام الأدوات الرقمية؟ إذا كنت وقعت في فكرة أنّ التكنولوجيا مكلفة جدًّا، غير ضرورية للتعلم الحقيقي، أو مشتِّتة في غرفة الصف، فأنت تحتاج هذا الكتاب. أنت تستخدم...