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Teen & Young Adults - Books

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 1 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In thi...

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 2 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In ...

The Rational Reading القراءة الراشدة
This book contains material in a variety of literature and language subjects presented in a gradual manner to appeal to Muslim-Indian teenagers and teens from other Islamic countries. The author uses: Islamic literary language enhanced by Qur’an and sunnah literature. Modern and new subjects with renewed words that have an A...

A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 3 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is the kind of book you can read and reread time and time again and always feel renewed. There is something to learn on nearly every page of this book, especially lessons that you can incorporate into your everyday life. This is a book, not only for those who want to be entertained, but even more so for those who want to impr...

A Cup of Mint Tea : Volume 5 (English)
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In t...

Blissful Marriage
This book provides the tools to achieve blissful marriage in a pragmatic and graceful way. Readers will find the following prominent features: Husband and wife are viewed together, as a team, instead of as two separate individuals. This is fitting since the family unit is the cornerstone of Islamic society. An ample amount of practical examples ...

Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Tabarak)
This product covers Juz’ Tabarak (Part 29) of the Holy Qur’an.The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colo...

The War Within Our Hearts
The War within Our Hearts is not just another book about Muslim young people. It is a book written for young Muslims addressing issues they can relate to and in a language that is their own. Covering the key issues for young Muslims in the west today including dating, music, internet, this is a book everyone should have. It also has an introduct...

The Biography of the Seal of the Prophets
A sequel to Stories of the Prophets, this book contains the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the historical background to the Islamic call, and the conquest and victories associated with it. What sets this book apart from the many in the market is its extensive coverage, modern illustrated maps of events, carefully worded questions for each...

Muslim Teenagers Coping With Parents, Family, Life, the Universe, and Everything
Being a teenager is not an easy business. You’re told you are "too young" to do half the things you want to do: your mother is always asking you to tidy your room. Your father is always reminding you to pray. Your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET... You are not sure if it's everyone else that is going mad ...

Tajweed Qur'an in Leather: Zipped Case (Colors may Vary) مصحف التجويد
This complete Color-Coded Tajweed Quran comes with a nice protective leather zipper case. Each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran, with an interpretation of selected words placed on the margins on every page, of Outhmani script. The small size of this Tajweed Quran is easy to handle or to keep in a small pocket, It features distinct co...

Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, With Zipper, Size: 3"×4") مصحف التجويد
The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colors, indicating the various tajweed rules. This technique helps...

Students' Dictionary English-Arabic and Arabic-English
Detailed Description: Completing the Student Dictionary series comes this new dual bilingual dictionary (Arabic-English and English-Arabic). The dictionary is characterized by the following: It contains all the vocabulary words and linguistic expressions a student is in need of. This includes the majority of emerging terms and phrases acr...

Student's Intermediate Dictionary Arabic-English
This dictionary is characterized by: It contains more than 25,000 terms with their synonyms, and organized alphabetically and according to their pronunciation in Arabic language. It contains more than 200 illustrations and forms. In many instances Arabic pronunciation is explained by another Arabic one, and after that the English synonym...

Student Dictionary - Diccionario Del Estudiante: Spanish - Arabic and Arabic - Spanish
This series of school dictionaries meets all the needs and fills the shortage unfilled by the regular school dictionaries. It is supervised and prepared by a group of specialists in the contemporary languages. The makers of this series' main concern was to facilitate the search process, relieving the student from searching hard.This book is one ...

Stories of the Prophets (English)
This book presents the lives of Allah's major Prophets. These stories have been widely used as textbooks throughout the Arab and Muslim world. This translation, from the original Arabic, gives English speaking Muslims access to Sayyed Abdul Hasan's Islamic Scholarship. The stories are in the lively style and offer fresh knowledge, guidance an...

She Wore Red Trainers
When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her - her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers – in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, the...

Muhammad the Beloved Prophet
Simply told is based on the Holy Qur'an and early sources dating back to when the Prophet was alive, 1,400 years ago. Written with young, English-speaking Muslims in mind it concentrates on the essential aspects of the Prophet's life, highlighting his excellent qualities and strength of leadership. Its 28 short chapters are aimed to encourage bo...

Modern Students' Dictionary English-Arabic
This dictionary is characterized by: Helping students update their knowledge base with the new terms used in our daily life, such as "cloning, greenhouse, globalization…" Helping students find what they are looking for in an easy, right to the point, concise, and efficient way. This is achieved by explaining the term in que...

Jannah Jewels - The Treasure of Timbuktu: Book 1
Detailed Description: In their first book, a team of young Muslim women called the Jannah Jewels are brought to the ancient city of Timbuktu in Mali and meet the Treasure King. There they visit the Grand Mosque and University while trying to find the missing manuscript.Who exactly is the Treasure King? And can the Jannah Jewels restore the ...

A Cup of Mint Tea: Volume 2 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation. In this s...

A Cup of Mint Tea: Volume 1 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps its best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation.In this b...

Factory of Memories مصنع الذكريات
Jaber, Rafia, Mansour, and Adli are going to tenth grade. They have been good friends since they were in kindergarten. Under the carob tree on Asour Hill, the friends play the memory game and share memories that will soon expose the hidden facets of each of their personalities. What is it that pushes Jaber to protect his memories? Why did Jaber ...

Sultan Selim Yavuz السلطان سليم ياوز
السلطان سليم ياوز رجل الدولة الحازم المهلم هذا الكتاب من سلسلة الكتب التى تؤوخ للدولة العثمانية من خلال البيئة التى انتجت سلاطينها العظام يتناول الكتاب المؤسس الثالث للدولة العثمانية بعد ارطغرل ومحمد الفاتح ان جاز التعبير.. الحديث عن حياة السلطان سليم خان الأول الذي أطلق عليه العثمانيون لقب: "ياووز" أي: "القاطع" كما يقدمها أوقاي ترياقي أو...

Kei كاي
في العام 2100م، بعد أن اختفت قارّة أستراليا عن الوجود، وتكليف مجموعة لإنقاذ البشريّة من سبع دول هي: الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، اليابان، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، الاتّحاد الأوروبي، الصّين، روسيا، وكوريا الموحّدة، لإعادة القارّة إلى وضعها السّابق . يجري معظم أحداث الرّواية تحت سطح كوكب المرّيخ، حيث تعيش مخلوقات تمتلك تقنيّات متطوّرة لا يملكه...

Al-Mawrid Arabic for Student المورد العربي للطلاب
أحدث وأشمل قاموس مدرسي لطلاب اللغة العربية يقدمها لهم في صيغها العصرية المتطورة مع المحافظة على أصالتها وفرادتها. تعريفات دقيقة واضحة، وأمثلة علمية موثّقة، ومترادفات فوريّة تُثري لغة الطالب وتمكّنه من استعمال لغته الحيّة بشكل ملائم وسلس، وكلّها مشكّلة تشكيلاً كاملاً، شروح وافية توضح المعاني المرقّمة، وتحدّد الدلالات المتعددة والمصطلحات المعتمدة...

Essentials of Islamic Faith: For Parents and Teens (SWISS Series) (Volume 1)
Studying religion seems like a monumental task; people often don't know where to start, and there are very few organized methods of studying Islam in English that guide a person through the process of education. That has changed! This book presents a matn (introductory text) on Islamic faith that contains the basic foundations of Islamic theolog...

Ibn Battuta: The Journey of a Medieval Muslim
Ibn Battuta was no ordinary traveller. Between 1325 CE when he set off and 1354 CE when he finally returned home to stay, he had visited about 40 modern countries and travelled roughly 75,000 miles, going on foot, camel, horse, wagon, boat, and even sled. His travels took him to nearly every part of the Muslim world at the time, from Morocco to...

Sultan Suleiman Kanuni السلطان سليمان القانوني
يحاول بعض المؤرخين أن يتناولوا سيرة حياة السلطان سليمان القانوني باستمرار وعن سابق اصرار وعمد من خلال حياة العشق التي عاشها مع السلطانة خرَّم. وهذه السيرة التي يصر عليها هؤلاء المتعنتون تظلم كثيرًا من الشخصيات التاريخية وفي مقدمتها السلطانة خرَّم نفسها فهل كان يمكن للسلطان سليمان القانوني أن يحكم امبراطورية تمتد إلى القارات الثلاث وهو قاب...

The Straw House Series (set of 7 Books) سلسة كوخ القش
سلسلة كوخ القش التي تضم سبع روايات وتحمل معاني إنسانية وتحكي قصة (سانغ) ابن مدير المدرسة في قرية "يومادي" وما يعيشه من مغامرات وقصص مع أصدقائه في المدرسة ومع أهل القرية، وهي من إصدارات دار المنهل الجديدة. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: الغرنوق الأصلع البقعة السوداء وسط الثلج الجدة الوفية والحقل غرق البوبة الحمراء حلم البيت الكبير في ا...

Tajweed Quran (Juz' Amma, Tabarak, and Qad Sami'a) (5.5 x 8")
This product covers Juz’ Amma, Tabarak, and Qad Sami'a (the last three parts of the Holy Quran). The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Quran. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished ...

Golden Seerah: For the Young Generation
This full-color, illustrated, easy-to-read biography of our beloved Prophet is written particularly for the younger generation and those embarking on their quest for knowledge. It is authored by Abdul Malik Mujahid, who has completed extensive research, has vast knowledge of the Seerah, and has written in an easy to read style. The book is nicel...

Uncle Tom's Cabin (Hardcover)
• أشهر قصة في الأدب الأمريكي كله. • صورت فيها كاتبتها حياة الزنوج الأمير كيّين قبل الحرب الأهليّة، وطالبت بحقهم في الحياة كبشرٍ ومواطنين. • ترجمت إلى مختلف لغات العالم، وطُبعت بالعربية بنصها الكامل عدة مرات. • لا يزال الناس في عصرنا هذا بحاجة إلى قراءة هذه الرواية، لأنّ مأساة "العم توم" لم تنتهِ.. إنها قائمة إلى اليوم في صور من التمييز...

Uncle Tom's Cabin
أشهر قصة في الأدب الأمريكي كله. صورت فيها كاتبتها حياة الزنوج الأمير كيّين قبل الحرب الأهليّة، وطالبت بحقهم في الحياة كبشرٍ ومواطنين. ترجمت إلى مختلف لغات العالم، وطُبعت بالعربية بنصها الكامل عدة مرات. لا يزال الناس في عصرنا هذا بحاجة إلى قراءة هذه الرواية، لأنّ مأساة "العم توم" لم تنتهِ.. إنها قائمة إلى اليوم في صور من التمييز العنصريّ...

The Secret Garden
توفي والد ماري لينوكس وهي بعدُ في العاشرة من عمرها، فعاشت في القصر الكبير وحيدة لا أصدقاء لها، ولم تألف الناس أو تحبّهم. لكنّها عندما قصدت منزل عمّتها في الريف تغيّرت حياتها، واكتشفت مكاناً كلّه سحر وغموض. في ذلك المكان تعرّفت بأناس آخرين واكتشفت ما هي الصداقة، وتعلّقت بالحياة في الحديقة السرّية.

The Red Badge of Courage
تسطر هذه القصة وقائع حياة هنري فليمنغ، ذاك الجندي الشاب الذي لم يخبر الحياة بعد، ومشاركته في الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية، وأحلامه الرومانسية لتحقيق بطولات في حرب يخوض غمارها للمرة الأولى في حياته. بيد أن وقائع الحرب الوحشية بددت أوهامه وأكسبته خبرة ومعرفة في الحياة وعلمته القيمة الحقيقية للشجاة.

Tajweed Quran with Case (Whole Qur'an, 7"x 9") (Colors May Vary)
This complete color-coded Tajweed Quran (from Surah Al-Fatiha to Surah Al-Nas) is a beautifully designed, heavy-duty hardcover, with strong binding and a perfect finish. This Quran comes in different colors. (Unfortunately, we can not guarantee the availability of specific colors; however, the colors are all very nice.) The paper quality is very...
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, With Zipper, Size: 5.75"x9") (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد

Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, With Zipper, Size: 5.75"x9") (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد
The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colors, indicating the various tajweed rules. This technique helps...
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, With Zipper, Size: 4.5"x 5.5") (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد

Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur'an, With Zipper, Size: 4.5"x 5.5") (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد
The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colors, indicating the various tajweed rules. This technique helps...

Student's Intermediate Dictionary English-Arabic
This dictionary is characterized by: It contains more than 25,000 terms with their meaning and is organized according to the English alphabet. It contains more than 300 illustrations plus 16 colored pages. It has a phonetic transcription which helps student with proper pronunciation. Selection of the most frequent and common words that the stude...

Student Dictionary: English - Arabic and Arabic - English
Detailed Description: We present this English-Arabic and Arabic-English dictionary to our dear students in order to help them solve the problems that they face in understanding English and/or Arabic during their study. We have enriched the dictionary with around 25,400 of the Arabic words, including the corresponding meanings of each, to ma...

Student Dictionary: Arabic - Spanish
This dictionary will be a great help students and scholar would need on every level of their education. It is specifically tailored to answer and present every scholar and. Also makes it easy to access and determine meanings of words providing synonyms and examples.

Student Dictionary - Diccionario Del Estudiante: Spanish - Arabic
This series of school dictionaries meet all the needs and fill the shortage unfilled by the regular school dictionaries. Supervised and prepared by a group of specialists in the contemporary languages. Their main concern was to facilitate the search process, and relieving the student from the fatigue of the Audit and hardship exploration.This bo...

School Dictionary: Spanish-Arabic - Diccionario Escolar: Español - Árabe القاموس المدرسي
This series of school dictionaries meets all the needs and fills the shortage unfilled by regular school dictionaries. Supervised and prepared by a group of specialists in the contemporary languages, their main concern was to facilitate the search process, and relieving the student from the fatigue of the audit and hardship exploration.This...

School Dictionary: Arabic - Spanish
This series of school dictionaries meets all the needs and fills the shortage unfilled by regular school dictionaries. Supervised and prepared by a group of specialists in the contemporary languages, their main concern was to facilitate the search process, and relieving the student from the fatigue of the audit and hardship exploration.This ...

Robinson Crusoe
قصة عالمية خالدة ترجمت إلى جميع اللغات مرات ومرات. إنها قصة رجل قضى ثمانية وعشرين عاماً في جزيرة مهجورة لم يفارقه خلالها الأمل في العودة إلى الوطن والبقاء على قيد الحياة.. إنه روبنسون كروزو. تُرى كيف عاش؟ وما هي الأهوال التي واجهها في تلك الجزيرة المهجورة؟ وكيف قدِّرت له النجاة؟ ذلك ما ستتابعه بشوق حين تقرأ هذا الكتاب المثير...

Longman Basic Dictionary (English - English - Arabic)
The Longman Basic English Dictionary : makes learning new words easier and more enjoyable for students. This English-English-Arabic dictionary gives classical Arabic equivalents, fully vocalized, for 12,000 English words and phrases. Easy definitions written using only simple basic words are given to English entries. Illustrations are used.

Island of the Blue Dolphins
كارنا شابّة هندية عاشت وحدها في جزيرة في المحيط الهاديء ألِفَ سكانها اصطياد الدلافين. كانت تراقب كرَّ الفصول بانتظار سفينة تقلّها بعيداً، لكنها لم تكتفِ بالمراقبة، بل ابتنَت لنفسها كوخاً، وصنعت أدواتٍ تحصّل بها طعامها، وأسلحةً تدافع بها عن نفسها. في القصة مغامرات وتشويق واكتشاف للذات والحياة والطبيعة وحب للبقاء.