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Board Games

Quran Knowledge Game
The Quran Knowledge Game is a game based on the Quran. It is suitable for 2 to 6 players aged 8 and up. It is a highly entertaining knowledge game to play with family and friends. In this simple and fast-paced game of clues, you have to guess the correct answers, earn points, and race to the finish before your friends. As you earn points, yo...

Salat Knowledge Game
The Salat Knowledge Game is suitable for 2 to 4 players aged three and above. In this game of slides and ladders, you spin the wheel and race to the finish before your friend reaches there. Along the way you learn the meaning and message of Salat, that is, the five daily prayers. If you miss a prayer, you go down through the slippery slide, but ...

Hadith Challenge Game
The Hadith Challenge Game is a unique game based on sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. The idea behind this game is to provide the children with both fun and education. All questions are based on the authentic sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. They have been creatively worked into this game and children will enjoy answering them. This game can be...

Madinah Salat Fun Game
The Madinah Salat Fun Game offers you entertainment and fun and, at the same time, makes it easy for you to learn the meaning and message of the Five Daily Prayers. This game will enable you to learn how to perform Salat in an easy way and will teach you its purpose, form and significance. It also helps you to acquire knowledge about the differe...

The Great Mosque Game
To help children learn, in an enjoyable way, about the basics of mosque architecture and layout, this unique questions and answers game provides a wealth of interesting information on all the world’s most important mosques. Special emphasis is laid on the Kabah and Islam’s most sacred cities of Makkah, Madinah and Jerusalem. By answering the que...

Hajj Fun Game
The Hajj Fun Game offers you entertainment and fun and at the same time makes it easy for you to learn the meaning and message of hajj and to acquire a knowledge of the important historical places associated with it. It will enable you to learn how the acts and rites are performed during hajj and what its dos and don'ts are. In short, the Hajj F...

Quran Challenge Game
The Quran Challenge Game is a unique. First-of-its-kind game based on the Quran. The idea of this game is to educate children and let them have fun in the process. All the questions taken from the Quran have been so creatively worked into this game that children will enjoy answering them.Whether played at school or at home with family members. T...

Bingo: Arabic Alphabet ( :)
This fun picture matching game comes with 4 game boards and 28 playing pieces and allows children to learn by looking, recognize Arabic letters, and develop observation skills.

Quran Explorer Game
The Quran Explorer Game is an exciting educational board game based upon the Holy Quran. Suitable for 2 to 6 players aged eight and above, it is a highly entertaining knowledge game that is lots of fun to play with family and friends!

5 Pillars Family Game
Get ready to learn about the five pillars of Islam in a fun way with family and friends. Packed with 100 cards and full of fun facts, teachings, wisdom, and activities, this game will improve and widen your knowledge about the five pillars of Islam: shahadah (faith), salah (prayer), sawm (fasting), hajj (pilgrimage), and zakah (charity). Conte...

Darb Board Game لعبة معرفيه مليئة بالتحديات
"Darb" or "Pathway" may seem like any other game, but in fact, it’s much more! This board game is a great opportunity to strengthen your relationship with family and friends on one side and create unforgettable memories on the other side! Darb board game is an Arabic and English language game and it refreshes and tests your knowledge and skills ...

Marah Book - Educational Electronic Book - (English and Arabic Edition) كتاب مرح
Most children feel bored and traditional ways of learning do not work for them. We present to you the Child's Encyclopaedia, a fun book, a rich treasure of information, fun and benefit to arouse the love of learning and knowledge in him and develop his knowledge and skills. Valuable information in a fun practical way. Lots of great children's so...

I Learn to Write and Spell Words. أتعلم كتابة وتهجئة الكلمات
أتعلم كتابة وتهجئة الكلماتهذه الوسيلة مخصصة لتعزيز المفردات المكتسبة لدى الطفل سابقا، اضافة لتعليم الطفل عددا من المفردات الجديدة، وكيفية لفظها وتهجتئها عن طريق اللعب زكتابتها.:الاهداف التعليمية تمييز الحروف ترتيب ومطابقة الحروف اصوات الحروف التهجئة تشكيل كلمات جديدة التدريب على الكتابة :المحتويات سبورة ممغنطة دفتر مكون من 28 صفحة يحتوي على ا...

Build a sentence 2 بناء الجمل
أهداف اللعبة: تمييز مكونات الجملة : بناء وتركيب الجمل تركيب الجمل على الالوان وذلك باختيار كلمات من كل لون. تشجيع الاطفال على القراءة وتعلم كلمات جديدة عن طريق اللعب تشجيع الاطفال على الكتالة وذلك بكتابة الجمل على دفاترهم تطوير مهارة القراءة القطع لخشبية ملونة بخمسة الوان مختلفة لتركيب جمل ذات معنى ومفيدة بمستويات مختلفة التعليمات والجم...

Build a sentence 1 بناء الجمل
بناء الجمل 1 لوحة اللعب الخشبية 80 قطعة خشبية ملونة كتاب الانشاط أهداف اللعبة: بناء وتركيب الجمل توضيح مفهوم أجزاء الجملة ترتيب الكلماتلبناء جمل مفيدة باستخدام القطع الخشبية الملونة تعليم الاطفال أجزاء الجملة وكتابها مع الحركات بالشكل الصحيح على دفاترهم تمييز أجزاء الجملة المختلفة تطوير مهارة القراءة

Learn and Synthesize Sentences and Words أتعلم وأركب كلمات وجمل
أتعلم وأركب - كلمات و جملتهدف هذه الوسيلة التعليمية إلى تعليم الأطفال الحروف بمواضعها المختلفة بطريقة تفاعلية.سيتعلم الأطفال الحروف من خلال التمييز اللوني والنشاط الحركي.-التمييز اللوني للحروف: اللون الأحمر للحرف الكامل ويمكن أن يأتي بمواقع مختلفة من الجملة. اللون الأخضر للحرف في بداية الكلمة. اللون البرتقالي للحرف في وسط الكلمة. اللون الأزرق ل...

Letter and Word Puzzle Game لعبة تركيب الحروف والكلمات
Educational tools play a crucial role in the learning process, whether in schools or at home. They help stimulate the student's interest and meet their need for learning in innovative and engaging ways. The objectives of this tool include: Teaching children Arabic letters and words: Presented in a fun and entertaining manner, which help...

Slashed Letters Game لعبة الحروف المقطعة
ركِّب الكلمة مع الصورة. 112 قطعة كرتون مقوى، لتعليم الطفل الحروف والكلمات العربية بطريقة اللعب، مما يجعل عملية التعلم شيقة وممتعة.فوائد هذه الوسيلة التعليمية: تحفز الطفل على التهجئة. تطور مهارات التحليل والتركيب للكلمات. تنمي روح التحدي بين الأطفال.

Montessori Box صندوقي التعليمي مونتيسوري للقراءة والكتابة
يقدم صندوقي التعليمي مونتيسوري للقراءة والكتابة أسلوب تعليم تطبيقي سهل ، أثبت فعاليته منذ أطلقته في الروضات ماريا مونتيسوري. ( خطوة بخطوة ) يتضمن أدوات تعليمية تراعي طبيعة الطفل الفضولية والمحبة للاستكشاف. بعيدا عن أساليب التلقين التقليدية. الصندوق غني بالبطاقات المرتبطة بمراحل محددة بدءا بمطابقة الأحرف مع أصواتها ورموزها وصولا الى تشكيل الكل...

ILM Toolbox Arabic Refrigerator Set مجموعة الحروف العربية للثلاجة
The ILM Toolbox Arabic Refrigerator Set features 28 sturdy wooden Arabic letter magnets and a colorful, kitchen-themed poster that can be used separately or together as a matching game. This durable poster shows each letter in all its connecting forms and a corresponding vocabulary word is written in both Arabic script and English transliteratio...

Arabic Magnetic Letters Box صندوق الحروف العربية المغناطيسية
This product includes a total of 155 pieces (the letters in all of their shapes), a whiteboard, and a whiteboard pen. All of the pieces are magnetic and can stick to the whiteboard to write words and sentences. Note: This product is not suitable for children under 3 years old.

Compose, Write, and Erase ركب واكتب وامسح
This comprehensive set features 112 distinct pieces, encompassing all the letters in their various shapes, providing endless opportunities for educational play. Included in the set is a whiteboard pen, perfect for encouraging children to explore their creativity. The pieces can be easily arranged to form words and sentences, making it a fun and ...

Arabic Magnetic letters package علبة الحروف العربية المغناطيسية
40 magnetic pieces to teach your child Arabic letters in a fun and attractive way. It contains 40 magnetic pieces, including Arabic letters and symbols (movements) with magnetic back. Note: not suitable for children under 3 years old. Letters Size: around 1-3 inches الحروف العربية المغناطيسية 40 قطعة مغناطيسية لتعل...
Flash Cards: Write and Erase the Letters and Words بطاقات أكتب وأمسح الحروف والكلمات
Board Game

Flash Cards: Write and Erase the Letters and Words بطاقات أكتب وأمسح الحروف والكلمات
Includes 28 whiteboard cards and a whiteboard pen. Each card has two sides: one side is to practice writing the letter on its own, and the other side is for writing a word that starts with the letter. The cards can be wiped and reused after being written on.