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Stories of the Prophets (English)
In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from The Beginning and the End (البداية والنهاية) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur'anic verses and th...

Al Khidr The Green One
Detailed Description: This is an adaptation of the remarkable story of Al Khidr related in the Qur'an in Surah Al Kahf. This is the story of al-Khidr, the Immortal Guide, and his companionship with the Prophet Moses. Al-Khidr guides Moses in discovering the deepest truth of the Mercy of God and the need for patience and acceptance. The acco...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 3 (III)
The most capacious of all five books in the series covers the biographies and teachings of Prophets Yusuf, Shu'aib, Musa, and Harun (peace be upon them all!) in an engaging and eloquent style. Children will enjoy reading and learning from the stories in this volume, Insha Allah! Superbly written and illustrated in a suitable style for children....

Stories of the Prophets for Children (Arabic)
An all-time children’s favorite, this book contains vivid portraits of fourteen major prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. It provides insight into their struggle to serve the true God and guide their communities from going astray.A lively translation from its original Arabic with carefully worded questions for each chapter (workbook) and maps whic...

Stories of the Prophets
Detailed Description: Do you want your child to be live a life full of fulfilment, happiness and prosperity, both in this world and the next? If you show them the best of examples in human history, in a way that captivates their heart and mind, they’ll be on a sure path to that goal. The Prophet sent by Allah are the finest role models for...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 5 (V)
The book is the last in the series on the history of the Prophets of Allah as mentioned in the Qur'an. This book contains the lives of Prophets Zakariya, 'Isa, Yahya, the Seal of Prophet Hood and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon all of them!). This book concludes the first phase of Islamic history, the history of divine Messengers. Child...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 4 (IV)
This volume presents the life and teachings of prophets 'Ilyas, the courage of Da'ud, the special gifts of Sulaiman from Allah and the patience of Ayyub (peace be upon them all!) for the young children in the most interesting ways. These books are written to help children develop a source of closeness to the prophets as they try to follow their...

The Greatest Stories from the Quran
The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings and prayers, which show Allah's love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator. So; bring Quran Stories to Life for Your Kids! 30 action-packed Quran stories cover the periods from the Creation of the Prophet Adam to the devastating...

Tell Me About The Prophet Musa (Paperback)
This book presents the life and times of the Prophet Musa, from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the river Nile, to the period of his divine mission and preaching of Allah's words. It describes how Allah saved him miraculously from the death sentence of the tyrant Firawn, his upbringing in the palace, and his journey to Madya...

The Army Walks Through the Valley
This series will help children appreciate how Allah is taking care of us and continuously showering His blessings on us in many different ways. As a pre-school reading course, it will help parents to explain and enrich the divine message by a simple and easy-to-understand method. With the help of this series, parents will find it extremely rewar...

Stories of the Prophets (set of 12 Books )
The Stories of the Prophets series talks about the prophets’ stories in smooth language and with charming drawings. Messengers, prophets, angels, and the companions that Allah promised Jannah are not depicted in the illustrations. This series includes the following stories: Adam peace be upon him Idris peace be upon him Nuh peace b...

Stories of the Prophets (English)
This book presents the lives of Allah's major Prophets. These stories have been widely used as textbooks throughout the Arab and Muslim world. This translation, from the original Arabic, gives English speaking Muslims access to Sayyed Abdul Hasan's Islamic Scholarship. The stories are in the lively style and offer fresh knowledge, guidance an...

Stories of the Messengers of Allah Series - Ibrahim and the Idols
This colorful series on the life of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, this series presents the true narrative from the Quran. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will capture the im...

Stories of the Messengers of Allah Series - Adam in the Garden
This colorful series on the life of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, this series presents the true narrative from the Quran. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will capture the im...

Abraham: The Friend of God
In Abraham: The Friend of God, Dr. Dirks provides Jewish, Christian, and Muslim readers with a unique and original presentation of the life of Abraham. In constructing a chronological biography of Abraham, the author integrated and synthesized information from a wide range of Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, including the Bible, the P...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 2 (II)
The second in the IQRA' history series covers the biographies and teachings of Prophets Ibrahim, Lut, Ismail, Ishaq, and Ya'qub (peace be upon them all!). The emphasis in these stories is helping young readers to understand the relationship between following Allah's commands and receiving His Blessings and disobeying the prophets and receiving ...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 1 (I)
This is the first in a series of five books on the life and teachings of the Prophets of Allah as mentioned in the Qur'an. A biography of each prophet is written in simple language for young children using only the Qur'an and Ahadith as sources. The creation of Adam (peace be upon him) is introduced as the first lesson in the teaching of history...

Stories of the Prophets in the Holy Qur'an
This inspiring collection of illustrated stories offers an Islamic take on the lives and missions of familiar prophets. Through these Islamic renditions, children are made keenly aware of the importance of certain virtues-steadfastness, patience, and honesty-exhibited by religious role models in the Qur'an, including Abraham, Moses, Noah, and Je...

Stories of the Prophets
"We have related to you the Qur'an, although you were, before it, among the unaware." [Qur'an 12:3]"So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought." [Qur'an 7:176]The renowned Mufassir (exegete), Muhadith (expert in hadeeth) and historian Ismail Ibn Katheer has compiled the stories of the prophets from the Qur'an and the narration of ...

Stories Of The Messengers Of Allah - Yusuf and His Childhood
This colorful series on the life and activities of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, the series presents the narrative true to the Quran. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will ...

Stories Of The Messengers Of Allah-Salih and his Camel
This colorful series on the life and activities of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in a messenger’s life, the series presents the narrative true to the Quran. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will capt...

Stories Of The Messengers Of Allah - Musa in Madyan
This colorful series on the life and activities of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, the series presents the narrative true to the Qur’an. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will c...

Stories of the Messengers of Allah Series - Musa and the Golden Calf
This colorful series on the life and activities of messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, the series presents the narrative true to the Qur’an. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will captu...

Stories of the Messengers of Allah Series - Musa and His Childhood
This colorful series on the life of the messengers of Allah provides an engaging learning experience for young readers. Whether the story is about the entire life of a messenger or a specific incident in the messenger’s life, this series presents the true narrative from the Quran. Fascinating illustrations in all of the books will capture the im...

Quran Stories for Kids
A Treasury of Stories from the Quran for the very young.These are some of the best-loved tales from the Quran.Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the scriptures. This is story telling at its best, with the meaning and message expressed in the simplest of words. As well as being...

Qur'an Story Mazes (5 Books)
This gift box contains books ideal for children of five years and upward. Through these mazes, children are introduced to the best loved stories from the Quran, as well as to other relevant historical and factual information. The mazes are not only uniquely designed and fun to do but are also educational, thus enabling children to readily unders...

Los Profetas Y Sus Mensajes-The Messengers and the Messages
¿Es posible que la humanidad haya alcanzado en la actualidad un nivel de progreso tal que le permita prescindir de los profetas y sus enseñanzas? La respuesta es no. La humanidad necesita conocer a los profetas y la sabiduría de sus mensajes. Ésta es la única manera de alcanzar el éxito total en esta vida y en el Más Allá. Cuando el ser humano a...
Layla With The Friends At the Prophets' Land Series (Set of 8 Books) سلسلة ليلى مع الأصدقاء في أرض الأنبياء
Reading Set

Layla With The Friends At the Prophets' Land Series (Set of 8 Books) سلسلة ليلى مع الأصدقاء في أرض الأنبياء
تهدف هذه السلسلة إلى تعريف الطفل بقصص الأنبياء بأسلوب سلس وممتع ومرفقة بصور ملونة مسلية تساعد الأطفال في فهم القصة واستيعابها، والاستمتاع برؤية بلاد الأنبياء والسفر معهم في كل الأرجاء. تتكون السلسلة من القصص التالية: إبراهيم عليه السلام بين بلاد الرافدين وبلاد الحرمين. يونس عليه السلام في بلاد الرافدين. يوسف الصديق عليه السلام في بلاد م...

Hamza's Heroes
Hamza is 5 years old and has just started kindergarten. Hamza is a very curious and energetic boy. Having a lot of energy, Hamza is constantly getting into trouble. He loves to ask questions and learn more about Islam. He loves to be the center of attention and has a wild imagination. Follow along as Hamza learns about his new-found heroes, th...

A Tour of 30 Stories from the Holy Qur'an: Part 4
This book contains the following stories:-Hoopoe of Solomon (peace be upon him): The story tells about a preacher Hoopoe, who escaped punishment for his absence by acting cleverly and speaking eloquently to his leader. While flying, he was able to see and report to his leader that Queen Balqees of Sheba and her people were worshiping the sun in...

A Tour of 30 Stories from the Holy Qur'an: Part 3
This series contains thirty stories from the Holy Quran and is divided into four parts. The series is distinguished by the clarity of its pictures and their beauty and the simplicity of its method. An appendix is assigned for each Ayah that explains difficult words. This series will be of great benefit in the home library of every Muslim child. ...

A Tour of 30 Stories from the Holy Qur'an: Part 2
This book contains the following stories:-Waghelah the Wife of Noah (peace be upon him): Tells a story about the wife of Noah (peace be upon him) and her people who denied and mocked their Prophet. It tells of a ship caught in the Great Flood in which all the unbelievers drowned, while Allah (swt) rescued His prophet and his followers.A Man fro...

A Tour of 30 Stories from the Holy Qur'an: Part 1
This book contains the following stories:-Strange Guests: This story tells of strange guests who visited the Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) with an equally strange matter. The story also tells about preaching the miracle to the two husbands.Sarah the Wife of Abraham (peace be upon him): The story is about Sarah, the wife of Abraham (peace be up...