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9 - 12 Years - Books

How to Get Hijab Ready
How do you tell your friends about hijab? What if someone makes fun of you at school? How do you choose a style that you like and feel comfortable in? Who exactly do you have to cover in front of? How do you avoid getting too hot? How to Get Hijab Ready: A Guide for Muslim Girls Ages 8 to 11 gives you a simple and easy guide to getting ready to...

30 Hadith for Kids
A unique selection of 30 ahadith, with explanations written in language which is child-friendly and relatable to young minds. What does it mean? How can I use it in my life? The language of hadith often goes over children's heads, leaving them uninterested, and unable to retain the information. Alhamdulilah, not with this book! The child-friendl...

21 Du'a for Children
Allah (swt) said He always listens to good prayers made by everybody. He listens to the prayers made by believers and sinners. Best prayers are those that are taught by Allah (swt) in the Quran and those taught by our beloved Prophet (S). In this booklet, 21 dua from the Quran are included. Some of these dua were first prayed by the prophets....

A Muslim Girl's Guide to Life's Big Changes
Have you ever wanted to know the truth about growing up as a young Muslimah but were too shy to ask an adult? Well this is the perfect book for you! Written from a big sister perspective, A Muslim Girls Guide to Life's Big Changes explains all, from choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical c...

Migo & Ali: Love for the Prophets
This delightful hardback book contains vibrantly illustrated stories of the prophets, from Adam (a) to Muhammad (s). These stories are concise, and told in engaging, child-friendly language. A delightful question and answer session after each story is also unique in its style, depicted as a conversation between the two lovable characters. Ali pr...

Muslim Girl, Growing Up: A Guide to Puberty
"How can I prepare her for this new phase? I wanted to find a resource that can explain the details of this special stage while also integrating the important aspects of it from the Islamic religion. Being from the West, most books I found only explained the physiological changes. But I found that Muslim girls, especially ones from Western count...

The Sahabiyat - The Female Companions of the Prophet's(s) Era
This is a vivid description of the lives and achievements of eight of the Sahabiyat (female companions) during the time of the Prophet (SAAS). Their unwavering faith, courage, sacrifice and steadfastness should be an inspiration to us all especially for young Muslimahs. Recommended for ages 11 and over.

A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes
Have you ever had questions about growing up? As a Muslim but didn't know who to ask? Maybe you have questions about your faith, your changing body, your relationships, your studies and how it is all supposed to fit together. Well, this is the perfect book for you! In A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes, Sami Khan explains all in a 'big...

Arabic Graded Stories: Grade 4 (8 Books) مشروع المنهل التعليمي
“This Arabic Reading Series contains 5 colorfully illustrated, soft cover books designed to teach excellent moral values through stories that involve overcoming adversity by working together, consequences for good and bad actions, and dependence upon Allah. New vocabulary words are written and illustrated at the bottom of each page, as well as r...

Al Khidr The Green One
Detailed Description: This is an adaptation of the remarkable story of Al Khidr related in the Qur'an in Surah Al Kahf. This is the story of al-Khidr, the Immortal Guide, and his companionship with the Prophet Moses. Al-Khidr guides Moses in discovering the deepest truth of the Mercy of God and the need for patience and acceptance. The acco...

Stories and Lessons Series (4 books) قصص وعبر
قصص أبطالها الحيوانات والطيور، وعالمها عالم الطبيعة الخلابة والصور الجذابة، تنطق بالحكمة، وتقدم الوعظ والإرشاد، ففي كل منها عبرة، وكأنما وُضِعت ليعتبر بها الإنسان على ألسنة الطيور والحيوان. تتكون هذه السلسلة من: القرد والتمساح الفيل الشرير الببغاوان الأحمران الأخوان

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 3 (III)
The most capacious of all five books in the series covers the biographies and teachings of Prophets Yusuf, Shu'aib, Musa, and Harun (peace be upon them all!) in an engaging and eloquent style. Children will enjoy reading and learning from the stories in this volume, Insha Allah! Superbly written and illustrated in a suitable style for children....

The Junior Encyclopedia of Islam
Open this book and explore! This Junior Encyclopedia of Islam presents the young reader with a comprehensive, clear and stimulating guide to Islam and Islamic terms where you’ll find all different kinds of information about Islam, all the things you always wanted to know about. It’s an Introduction to Islam, A-Z Fact-Finder, Life of the Prophet ...

The Holy Prophet Workbook
Islamic fun books are designed to help children learn more about Islam in a creative and interesting manner. The books contain imaginative and interesting activities and illustrations to attract the attention of young children. Parents and teachers will find such books useful in teaching today's children about Islamic beliefs and practices. The ...

Stories of the Prophets for Children (Arabic)
An all-time children’s favorite, this book contains vivid portraits of fourteen major prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. It provides insight into their struggle to serve the true God and guide their communities from going astray.A lively translation from its original Arabic with carefully worded questions for each chapter (workbook) and maps whic...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 5 (V)
The book is the last in the series on the history of the Prophets of Allah as mentioned in the Qur'an. This book contains the lives of Prophets Zakariya, 'Isa, Yahya, the Seal of Prophet Hood and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon all of them!). This book concludes the first phase of Islamic history, the history of divine Messengers. Child...

The Prophets of Allah: Volume 4 (IV)
This volume presents the life and teachings of prophets 'Ilyas, the courage of Da'ud, the special gifts of Sulaiman from Allah and the patience of Ayyub (peace be upon them all!) for the young children in the most interesting ways. These books are written to help children develop a source of closeness to the prophets as they try to follow their...

101 Sahabiyat Stories and Dua
101 Sahabiyat Stories and Dua is a richly illustrated collection of 101 great stories of the female companions of the Prophet Muhammad, told in simple language that children will easily understand and relate to. Each story comes with delightful illustrations, a hadith and a beautiful prayer.The book includes the well known tales of Khadija, Sawd...

We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book
Let's have fun! Projects, coloring, puzzles and more that stretch little Muslim's imaginations. Designed for Islamic schools and families alike, NoorArt Audiocassettes and Activity Books work hand-in-hand to instill the love and appreciation of Allah, His Prophet (s) and Islam. The We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book offers a variety of appealing...

The Ten Companions Who Are Promised with AlJannah (Heaven) Series - (10 Books and 2 Audio CDs) سلسلة العشرة المبشرين بالجنة للأطفال
تعرض كل قصة من قصص السلسلة جوانب من سيرة صحابي جليل من الصحابة العشرة المبشرين بالجنة، وتعرف الأطفال بمواقف مضيئة من سيرهم رضى الله عنهم جميعاً. تتناول هذه السلسلة جوانب هامة من سير الصحابة المبشرين بالجنة وهم: أبو بكر الصديق رضى الله عنه. عمر بن الخطاب رضى الله عنه. عثمان بن عفان رضى الله عنه. على بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه. طلحة بن ...

The Greatest Stories from the Quran
The Quran is full of exciting stories, adventures, teachings and prayers, which show Allah's love for us and explain what He requires from us as believers in and sincere servants of our Creator. So; bring Quran Stories to Life for Your Kids! 30 action-packed Quran stories cover the periods from the Creation of the Prophet Adam to the devastating...

Stories of the Sirah (Boxed Set of 11 Books)
This 11- short volume set about stories from the life of the Prophet Mohammed comes in a beautiful slipcase and explanations of selected Haddith that are included in the rest of the book where will provide many hours of reading for the whole family. There are lessons to be learned from each of these engaging short stories related to the life of ...

Crescent of Ramadan هلال رمضان
كتاب هلال رمضان .الكتاب الأول من نوعه في العالم الإسلامي. لا تفوتوا فرصة إمتاع أطفالكم في هذا الشهر الكريم الكتاب سيصحب الطفل من ليلة رمضان وحتى ليلة العيد سيتشجع الطفل على الالتزام بالعبادات المفروضة و الأخلاقيات وسيقوم كل يوم بصنع عمل فني فريد. سيقرأ المعلومات والقصص والأحاديث النبوية الشريفة. سيشعر الطفل بالفخر عندما يرى إنجازاته بعد انتهاء ا...

The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World
The Middle Ages were a period of tremendous cultural and scientific advancement in the Islamic Empire—ideas and inventions that shaped our world. Did you know that: The numbers you use every day (Arabic numerals!) are a Muslim invention? The marching band you hear at football games has its roots in the Middle East? You are drinking o...

The Change
The story presents practical life lessons from an eleven year old that we can all relate to. Sometimes the good that is deep inside needs some encouragement to come out. This encouragement can come from a special incident or a special person. The fact is that there is good in all of us, we just need the courage to fight peer pressure to be our t...

The Biography of the Noble Prophet (PBH) series (20 books)
The Biography of the Noble Prophet (s) is a series of 20 stories from the life of Prophet Muhammad (s). Written in easy-to-read language, this series inspires children to be moral, conscious and virtuous. The books also show kids the value of respect and encourages a spirit of cooperation among peers, thus teaching youngsters to play a positive ...

Tell Me About The Prophet Musa (Paperback)
This book presents the life and times of the Prophet Musa, from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the river Nile, to the period of his divine mission and preaching of Allah's words. It describes how Allah saved him miraculously from the death sentence of the tyrant Firawn, his upbringing in the palace, and his journey to Madya...

Tell Me About The Prophet Muhammad (Paperback)
The book presents the life of the Prophet Muhammad, from his childhood in the desert to his divine mission and early preaching in Makkah. It goes on to describe the hostility of Makkah towards his message, their total boycott of him and his family, the Night Journey to seven heavens and the migration from Makkah to Madinah. In Madinah he was wel...

Salah Ad-Din and the Crusades
What were the Crusades? Who were the heroes? Who were the villains? What can we learn from it all? How long did the King of England actually spend in England during his reign and what was Salah ad-Din's favorite food? You'll find the answers to all these questions as well as lots of fascinating facts in this story of kings and peasants, co...

Room 101 and Other Stories: Volume One
A treasure that must be thrown away. A creature faced with mortal temptation. A discontented worm who longs to be a snake. Two friends whose understanding of hardship differs vastly. A rabbit that learns to appreciate his mother the hard way... This beautifully illustrated collection of twelve thought-provoking stories sets out to encourage chi...

Qasasul Quran lil Atfal (Arabic version of My First Quran Storybook) (HB)
Collected here for young readers and listeners are all the best-treasured stories of the Quran in one beautifully illustrated volume. The stirring and dramatic stories of the great prophets, people, and nations are unfolded as a family saga, with one event leading naturally to the next. All these features in one great book: 42 easy-to-read...

My Tawheed Book
The intention of this book is to teach the Muslim child a basic understanding of Tawheed. The importance of the correct belief with certainty in the Oneness of Allah is called Tawheed. If a person’s belief is not correct, then his whole faith and all his actions will not benefit him in this life nor in the hereafter. A great part of the Quran re...

My Salat Fun Book
Islamic Fun Books are designed to help children learn more about Islam in a creative and interesting manner. The books contain imaginative and interesting activities and illustrations to attract the attention of young children. Parents and teachers will find such books useful in teaching today's children about Islamic beliefs and practices. The ...

My Islamic Activity Book
My Islamic Activity Book presents a variety of lively learning experiences. The book covers essential Islamic Studies curriculum from first grade through fifth grade. Each activity will help your child review, reinforce and accelerate learning. It is a great activity book during regular school year or during any other time. Simple instructions, ...

Motquan" The Illustrated School dictionary (Arabic-English)
This dictionary depends on words in their singular form, instead of their masdar form. The verb comes before the noun and the adjective, especially when the letters are similar. Each hamza is considered an alif no matter what shape it takes in the word. Verbs are listed in their past tense form. Adjectives are listed in the masculine form, excep...

Learn the Arabic Alphabet Through the Beautiful Names of Allah
The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, so it is advisable for all people wishing to gain a proper understanding of Islam to learn Arabic. This book introduces the written form of Arabic to non-native speakers. The author designed this book based upon the Asma Al-Husna (the 99 beautiful names of Allah) with the knowledge that the Qur’an and Arabic ha...

Juz' Amma, Chapter 30 (Madinah/Uthmani Script) جزء عم
This book contains the last thirtieth of the Quran.

Go Up With Asala Series: Fifth Stage-Intermediate (16 books)
تعتبر سلسلة "اصعد مع أصالة" من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الخامسة - متوسط من القصص التالية: الحي التراثي العسل المفقود الحصان شوشو سارة تطبخ الفأرة الذهبية خروف بلا صوف أسنان جدتي ا...

Famous Companions Series - with CD's (12 Books) أعلام الصحابة
Detailed Description: سلسلة "أعلام منَ الصّحابة" رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمْ سلسلة قصصيّة موجّهة للأطفال (8-12سنة) نبذة مختصرة عن السلسلة تدور كلّ قصّة من قصص هذه السّلسلة حول شخصيّة من شخصيات الصّحابة الأعلام، رضي الله عنهم، الذين كان لهم دوْر مميّز في التاريخ الإسلاميّ العريق، وتعرض كلّ قصّة منها لجوانب مختارة شائقة من سيرة كلّ صحابيّ من ا...

My First Book About Allah
This simple but beautiful book helps children understand who Allah is. It introduces some of His divine attributes: His Oneness, His infinite Power, Love, and Mercy, and it ends with the promise He has made to those who believe in Him and make Him happy. It is a book to be treasured by children, with large, colorful illustrations and carefully w...

Eliyas Explains: Angels
Detailed Description: 'I'm Eliyas. I'm really good at explaining things my adults told me about, which is handy for you if you're curious about Angels. My family is kind of wacky, you'll hear lots about them too, and the funny things that happen to us, but mostly about angels. Some things you can find out about angels if you read this: - Wh...

Everything Points to Allah - The Colorful World of Animals
Hekimoğlu İsmail is opening a brand new window to the sweet nature of a child's world. "Fish in the sea, starts in the Sky, colorful flowers, cute animals, organs in our body, in short everything points to Allah." This series are a wonderful read for your children with delightful explanations, informative content, unique design, and colorful ill...

Stories of the Caliph Harun al - Rashid: Level 3
ثماني قصص تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب المرحلة المتوسطة . تروي فيها لاطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.
The Best Stories of Kalila and Dimna Hard cover (55 Stories from the animal world) احلى الحكايات - من وحي كليلة ودمنة مجلد - 55 قصة قصيرة من عالم الحيوان
Arabic Story Book

The Best Stories of Kalila and Dimna Hard cover (55 Stories from the animal world) احلى الحكايات - من وحي كليلة ودمنة مجلد - 55 قصة قصيرة من عالم الحيوان
طبعة مدرسية فاحرة مزينة بالرسوم الملونة التي تصور بعض أحداث القصص المروية بأسلوب سهل ولغة مبسطة عبر لسان الطير والوحش من التراث العربي وهي تضم أحلى الحكايات وأحداثها المثيرة والممتعة في آن واحد في رحلة شيقة إلى عالم الطبيعة وفي كل قصة عبرة وحكمة ومعنى وهي تضيف إلى مدارك الطفل علوما ومعارف هو أحوج ما يكون إاليها في مسيرته العلمية.

Stories of the Caliph Harun al - Rashid: Level 4 قصص الخليفة هارون الرشيد
ثماني قصص تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب المرحلة المتوسطة . تروي فيها لاطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.

We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book (with music audio CD)
Let's have fun! Projects, coloring, puzzles, and more will stretch little Muslims' imaginations as they listen to the CD. Designed for Islamic schools and families alike, NoorArt audiocassettes and activity books work hand-in-hand to instill the love and appreciation of Allah, His Prophet (s), and Islam. The We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book...

The Prophet of Mercy Series (12 Books)
سلسلة نبي الرحمة : سلسلة قصصية مبسطة موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة. تركز هذه السلسلة على نماذج مختارة من سيرة النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتقف عند جوانب من إنسانيته وسلوكه الحضاري المتميز مثل: تعامله مع الأطفال والصبيان. الرفق بالحيوان والعناية بالنبات. بر الوالدين والإحسان إلى الخدم والضعفاء. توجيهاته عليه السلام بخصوص التعامل بيس...

The Prophet Muhammad Stories for Children
The Prophet Muhammad Stories for Children, for ages 7 and above, has some of the most-treasured stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. These seerah stories, chosen especially for children, encourage young readers to discover for themselves the message of the life of the Prophet and to find their own ways of applying the Prophet’s timeles...