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9 - 12 Years - Books

Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, was also one of the members of the Prophet's household. The Prophet took him into his care when he was only 5 years old and gave him an excellent upbringing. And from then onwards, he remained with the Prophet's daughter Fatima after the migration to Medinah. In fact, he was s...

Al Motquan Illustrated English-English-Arabic Dictionary
This dictionary interacts with the youth of the third millennium by addressing their aspirations, ambitions, and requirements. It offers the most recent English word choices as well as various annotations in English together with their meanings in Arabic. Useful, explanatory illustrations include educational plates about plants, animals, the h...

A Tale From the East (set of 4 books,small size)
حكاية من الشرق سلسلة كتب، هي استلهام التراث الشرقي بإعادة كتابة بعض حكاياته المشهورة بتصرّف، وهذه الحكايات، وإن كانت متنوعة المصادر، إنّما يجمعها الخط الحكائي الذي له سحره الخاص، وقد أُعيدت كتابة هذه الحكايات وفق تخيّل جديد، مع الحفاظ على روح الحكاية الأصلية.. وقد تكاملت رسوم السلسلة مع نصوصها، وتحاكت معها لتجمع بين الحداثة والتراث بصور جديدة غ...

A Starlight View of Islam's Past
Detailed Description: A Starlight View of Islam's Past, offers a fascinating glimpse of World Islamic History for young children using a unique approach to chorological history. Based on the premise that a starlight can take years to reach earth, the author gives a vivid eyewitness account of past events unfolding in front of him. He i...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 5
هذا الكتاب: للآباء الحريصين على تربية أبنائهم على حب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وتعلم سيرته الشريفة. لمعلمي مادة التربية الإسلامية واللغة العربية الراغبين في إضافة التشويق إلى أسلوبهم التعليمي. لأطفال الأمة الإسلامية وشبابها الذين ينوون بناء الحضارة بغرس لبنة حب الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم في نفوسهم.

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 4
The book A Journey with the Beloved Prophet, a biography about the beloved Prophet (s), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented in a suitable format for children.The first part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha and the elephants, the marriage and death of Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib, and the birth of the P...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 3
The third part covers the stages of migration.The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented in a suitable format for children. The first part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha, the birth of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Mutta...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 2
This part discusses the secret era of inviting people to Islam up to the story of Isra wal-Mi'raaj, (the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem to the heavens).The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented i...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 1
This part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha, the birth of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, marriage and death of Abdullah, and the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) up to the beginning of the mission.The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and ...

A Journey With 30 Prophetic Hadeeth
This book contains the following stories:-The Woman Who Entered Hell: The story is about a woman who locked up a cat until it died of starvation and thirst. Hellfire was a punishment for her cruelty to animals. The objective of the story is to educate children to show mercy to animals.The True Mother: The story is about the wise counsel of the P...

A Day With... Series (8 books) يوم بصحبة
مجموعة من ثمانية كتب تقدِّم تراجم مبسّطة لأهم وأبرز المفكرين والفلاسفة العرب والمسلمين الذين كانت لهم إسهامات كبيرة ليس في تطور العلوم والفكر العربية والإسلامي فحسب، بل والعالمي أيضاً. يوم بصحبة - عمر الخيام . يوم بصحبة- ابن سينا . يوم بصحبة - الخوارزمي . يوم بصحبة - ابن الهيثم . يوم بصحبة - أبو عبدالله البتاني . يوم بصحب...

365 Days with the Quran (Hardcover)
365 Days with the Quran is a richly illustrated collection of 365 stories from the Quran. They take children on a spiritual, day-by-day journey through the incredible, heartwarming, and inspiring stories of the people, places, and events mentioned in the Quran. It is a unique experience which the whole family will cherish and revisit again and a...

200 Question and Answer (5 books)
ألف معلومة مثيرة وملفتة للانتباه في خمسة أجزاء ، وفي مختلف ميادين المعرفة : الطبيعة، والحيوانات، العلوم والرياضة إضافة إلى معلومات عن البلدان والقارات في العالم. اختبر معلوماتك وانت تمضي وقتا ممتعا ومسليا مع هذه الكتب، وستجد الاجابات في نهاية كل كتاب.

1001 Inventions & Awesome Facts from Muslim Civilization
We often think that people from a thousand years ago were living in the Dark Ages. But from the 7th century onward in Muslim civilization there were amazing advances and inventions that still influence our everyday lives. People living in the Muslim world saw what the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Greek, and Romans had discovered and spent the ne...