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Nature Theme

Allah Is Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate)
This is the second book in the "Bismillah Early Learners" series by IQRA'. The series introduces young children to preschool concepts such as characteristic with emphasizing Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate) in the theme, family, animals, homes and pairs through positive Islamic themes. Teaches preschoolers shape recognition as well as appreciation...

Amazing Animals of the World (8 books)
معلومات مدهشة ومفيدة عن حيوانات مختلفة من العالم، نتعرف عليها وعلى العائلات التي تنتمي اليها وأماكن تواجدها وطريقة تكاثرها وعنايتها بصغارها. كل هذا تجدونه في ثمانية أجزاء مختلفة من سلسلة حيوانات مدهشة في العالم: الحيوانات البحرية الطيور الجارحة الزواحف القرود السنوريات الطيور الغريبة الحشرات الأسماك

Allah's Zoo
Allah invites us to observe His creations which include animals. Everyone is fascinated by animals, especially children. In Islam, animals have rights just like us. There are many animals that are dangerously close to extinction and need to be protected. It is up to us to protect these animals and we must start by taking care of our environment....