This textbook is a fun and systematic approach to teaching children the Arabic language. The Arabic library is filled with books and ways to teach children the principles of the Arabic language. Shelves are packed with these types of reference books because of:
- The weakness of the Arabic language curriculum in Arab countries, where children prefer to learn other languages that use more creative and colorful methods of teaching.
- The decision of the Ministry of Education to teach the Arabic language using the same approach as is used to teach English, an approach that has failed miserably when teaching Arabic.
- The lack of an engaging production style that would encourage children to learn and love Arabic.
Old New Methods. The evening clubs in Kuwait and the Arabic Gulf have been crowded with new teaching methods, which have added some new elements to the quality of teaching. Because of this, the number of children who can read at an early age has increased. However, these methods were based on the old, traditional style that is modeled on the book style of learning. Thus, instead of developing a love of the Arabic language, the child comes to hate it.
The book I Read is an essential addition and heralds a new style in teaching. It uses beautiful pictures and illustrations, clear vibrant colors, and an effective approach that successfully combines learning with fun.
Why this book? My Fun World Library published the second edition of the Fun Reading book after the first edition sold out. More than 3,000 children have learned the Arabic language’s grammar and skills from My Fun World Library. As a result, we changed the name and added more content, so that the book I Read is a new spin on Fun Reading. This new release features:
- A systematic method to teaching children the Arabic language that supports a partial, incomplete approach. What we mean by this is that we teach children the letters first; then, how to join three letters to make words with fatha, kasra, damma, and madd; then, al-lam al-qamaria and al-shamsia are added; followed by al-taa al-marboota and al-maftoha; and finally, al-hamza.
- A production style, colors, and games that are designed to attract and engage young children in the educational process, making it fun and exciting.
- Pictures to explain the meaning of the words so that children can understand the words without asking the meaning.
- Puzzles, coloring, matching, shading, and other fun tools to engage children.
- Stories, which add excitement and delight, while providing a rich knowledge base.
- New skills previously not included, such as the al-taa al-marboota, al-maftooha, and al-hamza, to complete the skills a child needs to be able to read and write the Arabic language in its different forms.
- Cartoon characters that provide more reading fun. The reader will notice that we have included two new characters in the first part and two in the second part.
This book is suitable for:
- Morning and evening clubs that open their doors to children year-round.
- Parents who want to teach their child at home before entering the educational system.
- Arabic language first and second grade teachers looking for an innovative and creative way to teach children.
This series consists of 4 levels containing 2 parts each, with a student book, a teacher book, and two supplemental books.
هذا الكتاب:
- لتدريس الصغار الذين بلغوا الثالثة من العمر.
- يصلح الكتاب للنوادي المسائية والصباحية.
- يضيف الكتاب بإصداره الجديد المواضيع التالية:
• التاء المربوطة والمفتوحة والهمزة.
• قصصاً هادفة وألعاباً وألغازاً وصوراً جميلة.