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4 - 8 Years - Books

Hamza Learns Wudu
Let your children follow along as Hamza is taken on whirlwind adventures as he learns more about Islam and being a good Muslim. Growing up in the western world, Hamza and his family (Papa, Mama, brother Ali and sister Aisha) face many challenges every day.Have you been struggling to find a Muslim character that your children can relate to?...

Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids (Hardcover)
Goodword Quran Dictionary for Kids is an ideal first reference book for children who are curious to know about the Quran. Designed especially for children, this unique treasury of Quranic words guides them through over 350 essential names, terms, and concepts mentioned in the Quran. Alphabetically arranged, words are clearly defined and are acc...

Goodword Arabic Picture Dictionary for Kids
Goodword Arabic Picture Dictionary for Kids, is the perfect first reference book created to help your child learn Arabic in an easy and fun-filled way. This book includes over 500 commonly used words and their helpful definitions of them in English and Arabic. These are accompanied by colourful and amusing illustrations of familiar subjects to b...

Goodnight My Duckling
Detailed Description: Sample Preview

Go Up With Asala Series: Forth Stage-Intermediate (11 books)
تعتبر سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الرابعة - متوسط من القصص التالية: عندما يصبح الثعلب نبيلاً الأخطبوط الراقص الجميزة عين المريسة الهاتف الجوال هل غرق بيت الأرنب فستا...
Go Up With Asala Series: Forth Stage-Advanced (Set of 11 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الرابعة-متقدم
Reading Set

Go Up With Asala Series: Forth Stage-Advanced (Set of 11 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الرابعة-متقدم
تعتبر سلسلة "اصعد مع أصالة" من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الرابعة - متقدم من القصص التالية: 1- دراجتي والسن المكسورة 2- سنة حلوة يا عامر 3- معلمتنا الحبيبة 4- خطة فاشلة 5- شطيرة سارة...

Come Let's Read Series: Level 3 (6 Books) تعال نقرأ
Delightful stories in Arabic! Terrific illustrations and engaging stories of animals are sure to be favorites with your kids. This beautifully produced series, translated into Arabic from the popular Butterfly Books, focuses on lovable creatures who learn good lessons about life and getting along with others. Series level 3 includes: Arnob alm...

Color the Biography of the Beloved Mustafa (peace be upon him)
This book includes coloring pages of the Prophet’s biography so children can enjoy coloring and learn the events of the biography. صفحات غير ملونة من كتاب رحلة مع الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه و سلم بأجزائه الثلاثة الأولى .

Color and Learn the letters
Color and Learn the Letters teaches children the Arabic alphabet through coloring activities. Children will love coloring the cute caterpillars forming letters, and using stickers on the appropriate pictures. Parents will love the amazing graphics. This book introduces children to the following: Arabic Alphabet Letter sounds through naming of p...

بو ولونا صديقان. اليوم، قررا الذهاب لصيد الأسماك، وقضاء وقت ممتع. خلال هذه المغامرة، سوف يتعلمان الكثير من القيم، مثل المشاركة، التعاون وتقبل الآخر. القصة تجمع صداقة بين وحش لطيف وطفلة.
Behavioral stories for children- My Health group (set of 6 Books, Small Size) قصص سلوكية للأطفال -مجموعة صحتي - مقاس صغير
Reading Set

Behavioral stories for children- My Health group (set of 6 Books, Small Size) قصص سلوكية للأطفال -مجموعة صحتي - مقاس صغير
Detailed Description: تهدف مجموعة صحتى الى تعويد الاطفال منذ نشأتهم على ضرورة الالتزام باستعمال فرشاة الاشنان والحفاظ على نظافة البدن و إزالة ما يعلق بالرأس من جراثيم مؤذيةوالمسارعة إللى التطعيم والابتعاد عن الاذى النفسي و فائدة اختيار الاطعمة الصحبةوذلك من خلال مشاهد عملية معروضة بأسلوب واقعي محب يقرب إلى أذهان الاطفال فوائد العناية ا...

Bedtime Stories (12 Stories) قصص ما قبل النوم
هل تعرف قصة الجرو الصغير، الأرنب المخمليّ الملمس، الدعسوقة الخجولة، أو قصة الساحرة الطيبة؟ لا! إذاً أسرع وافتح كتاب هذه المجوعة القصصية المصورة وتمتع بقراءتها.. سوف تكتشف العديد من الشخصيات المحببة والحيوانات المشوقة التي ستنجذب إليها، وتدخل إلى قلبك بحيث لن تنساها أبداً. أينما كنت، في القطار، في السيارة، متوجهاً إلى الجبل أو إلى الشاطيء، ...

Animals In Stories : Level 3 (6 Books)
حكايات أبطالها الحيوانات والطيور، وعالمها عالم الطبيعة الخلابة والصور الجذابة، تنطق بالحكمة، وتقدم الوعظ والإرشاد، ففي كل منها عبرة، وكأنما وضعت ليعتبر بها الإنسان على ألسنة الطير والحيوان. يتكون هذا المستوى من العناوين التالية : عنزة تخيف نمرا غراب من دون ريش القرد الذكي الصديق وقت الضيق الصياد والقردان شقيقان م...

Animals In Stories : Level 1 (6 Books)
حكايات أبطالها الحيوانات والطيور، وعالمها عالم الطبيعة الخلابة والصور الجذابة، تنطق بالحكمة، وتقدم الوعظ والإرشاد، ففي كل منها عبرة، وكأنما وضعت ليعتبر بها الإنسان على ألسنة الطير والحيوان. يتكون هذا المستوى من العناوين التالية : الغراب الصقر حوار الضفادع الراعي المخادع خدعة تقتل صقرً الحمار البسيط الفأر الصغير الش...

Amana Reading Series: Grade 2 (6 Books)
Stories of a Muslim family in living in North America. Jamal, the youngest of the family and main character of this series, is great at getting into mischief typical of 5-6 year olds. As usual mom and dad help save the day. Wonderfully written and creative stories with a touch of humor that kids, parents and teachers alike will appreciate. This ...

Amana Reading Series: Grade 1 (6 Books)
The Amana Series presents the Saeed family, an American Muslim family and their children. In the first and second grades we are introduced to Jamal, a six year old boy who is an expert at getting into trouble! Author Uthman Hutchinson (also known for The Invincible Abdullah Series) has a wonderful gift of writing as he offers us a look into the ...

Al-Asmaa’ Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book: Level B
Names of Allah coloring book. Covers names 41-99. Names 1-40 are covered in Level A Asmaa' Ul-Husnaa Coloring Book.

A Trip Under the Moonlight
For the little readers in every place in the Arab World, we will make a trip under the moon light with the help of the different moon faces moving wheel. You will turn the wheel and follow the head of the arrow in this new series that was made for our little children in order to develop their abilities to learn. للقراء الصغار في كل مكان من الوط...

A Home for Arnoub
Arabic Children's Picture Book about a young rabbit, Arnoub, searching for a new home. Aroub is trying to escape his noisy neighbor Filo the elephant. Arnoub embarks on a long and exciting journey whereby he faces disappointment and danger but is finally rewarded with a new home with lovely Arnouba, a another rabbit. قصة عن أرنب صغير يهرب من إزع...

365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad
"365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad (saw)" is a beautiful book that is a must own for Muslim families everywhere This carefully crafted piece won the Best Work in Translation award at the Islamic Bookfair of Indonesia. For every day of the year it goes tells a story of our Prophet (saw) in order that you and your children can read a new story to...
My First Iqra

My First Iqra
Detailed Description: A fun-filled, colourful, interactive book where children can learn and practice the Arabic alphabet in an interactive way. Use your finger to trace the alphabets or use the wipe and clean option to practice. Once mastered the alphabet, you can then learn the various vowels before the next stage of learning a few Arabic...

Hassan and Aneesa Love Ramadan
Detailed Description: Ramadan is about to begin. Find out all about the Muslim holy month with Hassan and Aneesa. It is the night before Ramadan and Hassan and Aneesa are excited for it to begin. In Ramadan they will read the Qur'an, give charity, share food with neighbours and try to fast. Follow them on the first day of Ramadan and find ...
Cotton Candy Sky

Cotton Candy Sky
Cotton Candy Sky takes us on an enchantingly descriptive journey through nature and color, and highlights the importance of trust and gratitude in life. As much as we try, we will never be in control of everything. Lows are followed by highs. Sadness is followed by smiles. Just as clouds come with rain, soon they will be blown away to reveal the...

Prophet's Pond
Detailed Description: The Prophet’s Pond tells the story of a boy, who, with the help of this mother, goes in search of a specific pond in the hope of meeting a ‘special someone’. He describes one characteristic of the pond with each turn of the page, never quite finding the right pond until his mother discovers he’s actually talking about ...

The Reader's Club: Level 2 (23 Books) نادي القراء - المستوى الثاني
these books provide the independent early reader with an opportunity to build reading skills and comprehension, while being entertained by the bright, colorful pictures, and the simple, engaging text. The second level contains longer sections of text so the child can build upon skills learned in the first level. More for MeISBN-10: 9953-9-6888...

Young Sherlock Holmes and John Whiskers: The Nervous Case of the Missing Homework
Young Sherlock Holmes and his stuffed sidekick cat, John Whiskers, solve a mysterious case at Sherlock’s new school. In the meantime, Sherlock has to solve a problem of his own—feeling nervous about making new friends.

Sandi and the Ladybug
Based on a true story! Sandi finds Walter the ladybug in her lettuce and tries to help him find his way back home, but they figure out that home can be with new friends. In this, Sandi’s first children’s book, she hopes to teach our youngest generation that all creatures, big or even as small as a ladybug, should be honored and cherished.

Moments (Hardcover) لحظات
عندما حاول الزمان أن يسبقني ... بعثر اللحظات في الهواء قفزت عاليا و أمسكت لحظتي وضعتها في قلبي كي لا تضيع أبدا

The Special Words (illustrated children's story) الكلمة العزيزة
As the glass from the broken vase shatters, so does the bond between two best friends: Maryam and Sara. This story, beautifully penned by Dr. Yusra Shabbir, about two friends caught in a web spun by a jealous new classmate, shows how a mother’s sincere advice helps the girls reconcile their differences with two special words!

My Small World Series : Level 2 (set of 4 books) سلسلة عالمي الصغير
قصة قصيرة موجهة للأطفال الصغار تعلمهم عادات صحية تجنبهم السمنة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية عن طريق رامي -بطل سلسلة عالمي الصغير-ورفاقه في فريق كرة القاعدة والقط السمين سمسم. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: ما هذا ؟ ما هذه مشكال جدي رفاق كرة القاعدة - مغامرة الدب القطبي

Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids) كتاب نشاطات - رمضان
We know how you feel because we’ve been there too. What we really need is a way to both excite and educate our children about Ramadan in a way that endears their hearts to the great month and shows its blessings as a golden opportunity for them to get closer to Allah. That’s exactly why we designed the Learning Roots Ramadan Activity Book. This ...

It's Ramadan! ! إنه رمضان
It’s Ramadan!, authored by Tasnim Nazeer, is an engaging story that uses interactive, simple language to introduce the key concepts of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan and to motivate young children to be excited about this sacred month. It is written in a lively, rhythmic tone that is suitable for children aged three and up.

My Ramadan Dua' Book (A Sound Book) كتاب أدعية رمضان
Everything you need for Ramadan—you won’t want to be without this book during Ramadan! The one book where you can find all the essential duas for Ramadan in both Arabic and English. Enjoy reading this lighthearted and fun story about Ramadan and Eid! Children will love to press the sound panel to hear the correct Arabic pronunciation of essenti...

Who’s teeth do I clean? أسنان من أنظف؟
عبر لعبة الاختباء بين الطفل و الحيوانات التي تريد تنظيف أسنانها بالطريقة الصحيحة، يعطي الطفل وصفا لأشكال و طرق مرحة و جذابة للعناية بالأسنان كي تبقى براقة ونظيفة. قصة تتناول صحة الفم و الأسنان للأطفال بطرح مميز و غير تقليدي. الغلاف و الصفحات مصممة من الورق الكرتوني المقوى لضمان سلامة الطفل .

What's The Use of Being Mad?
Burcu lives with her mom, dad, her brother Alper and her lovely bird Giggles. Burcu is curious and sometimes mischievous girl, but she's also very cute. Burcu and her brother Alper's adventures will surely entertain any child. Burcu is even cuter than her brother, and the readers of all ages cannot help but love her!

Under My Hijab
Grandma's hijab clasps under her chin. Auntie pins hers up with a whimsical brooch. Jenna puts a sun hat over hers when she hikes. Iman wears a sports hijab for tae kwon do. As a young girl observes the women in her life and how each covers her hair a different way, she dreams of the possibilities in her own future and how she might express her ...

A Trust of Treasures
Here is a tale of praise and gratitude, To the Power of the One, Who created the magnificent riches of the earth and the skies and then, Like a hidden treasure waiting to be known, Created us. And it is we alone among all creatures Who can reflect, And accept stewardship, And bow down in love and awe. A world waiting...

I Say As-Salamu ’Alaykum
Nabil and Noura are going to the park. Along the way Nabil greets the gardener and the park ranger. Now Noura wants to say "as-salamu `alaykum!" Who, or what, will she salam?

I Say Mashallah
Nabil and Noura have gone camping with their dad. Wow, the view is beautiful! When looking at beautiful things, their dad tells them to say, "mashallah!"

I Say Bismillah
Bismillah is probably the most-used term in a Muslim's religious vocabulary. Muslims are told to use it before doing anything. Bismillah means "in the name of God." This series aims to introduce the most common Islamic terms to children in a fun and simple way. In each book, examples are given, the characters repeat the phrase, and a simple t...

Zak and His Good Intentions
Zak and his sister Hana decide to see how many good deeds they can do in one day. However, everything is going wrong for Zak, and his plans only end in disappointment and lots and lots of mess. After his misadventures, Zak realizes that it isn't only what happens that matters; his good intentions count too. J. Samia Mair has published thre...

Aisha Goes in Search of Colour
Bubblesville is the capital of Nectarland. It is known to be the most colorful place in the whole world. It is home to the world's most special and unusual insects. Aisha is one of them! Come and discover how Aisha learns to live with being different in this charming tale set amongst the world of insects.

Never Too Small
Detailed Description: "Everybody is afraid of something, whether it is spiders, heights, or the dark. A young boy is too afraid to try things because of his size, but a good friend helps him feel better. In the same way a diverse group of characters get over their fears with a letter from a loved one. This endearing tale about common fears ...

Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 1 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
معلومات عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد و جميع أفراد عائلته وأهم الأحداث في حياته بطريق السؤال والجواب للمستوى الأول.

Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 4 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
عبارة عن تمارين عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد و جميع أفراد عائلته و أهم الأحداث في حياته للمستوى الرابع .

Don't Forget to Say Bismillah - A Sound Book
This simple story about a young Muslim family and how they use basic duas in their everyday life is a fun, effective way for children to learn a selection of duas in Arabic together with their English meanings. The story shows how the youngest member of the family, Safiyya, learns to say her first Arabic words simply by listening to those around...

A is for Ankle: Human Body ABC Book
The human body is amazing! Learn 26 words relating to the body in this easy-to-follow, action-filled ABC book. Dr. Erum Sethi has written a clear yet dynamic book to introduce children to body parts and concepts. A perfect way to learn the alphabet and anatomy! Articulately written, this book makes anatomy easy and fun for children. It even to...

Traffic Series (set of 5 Books) سلسلة المرور
سلسلة المرور سلسلة تتكون من العناوين التالية : أسير بالألوان : هذا الكتاب جولة في في عالم ألوان الإشارات المرورية والمكانية، من الأزرق حتى البنّي، مروراً بالأخضر والأحمر والأصفر والبرتقالي سائق سيارة ماهر : كتاب يعرّف الأطفال قواعد القيادة السليمة للسيارة، حتى إذا ما كبروا أصبحت هذه القواعد سلوكيات طبيعية، لا يتخلّون عنها هنا وهن...