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4 - 8 Years - Books

Asalah Stories: Group 3 (Set of 15 Books)
تتكون المجموعة الثالثة من قصص أصالة من العناوين التالية : - أنا أيضا ذكي : "نادر" لا يحبّ مادّة الرّياضيّات ولا الحساب... ويصعب عليه فهم الرّموز والأرقام. لهذا، كان دومًا يظنّ أنَّه أقلّ ذكاءً من رفاقه وإخوته! هل سيبقى على هذه الحال؟ أم سيكتشف أنَّه ذكيّ بأُمورٍ أخرى؟؟؟ تابعونا في القصّة لمعرفة الأجوبة... الأرنب الشجاع : «...
Arabic Nursery Rhymes 2 (CD and 3 Books) سلسلة أهازيج الطفولة المبكرة 2 - دغدغات موسيقية

Arabic Nursery Rhymes 2 (CD and 3 Books) سلسلة أهازيج الطفولة المبكرة 2 - دغدغات موسيقية
Nursery rhymes are found in all cultures of the world. They are a child's first introduction to literature and poetry. They stimulate children's brain development in areas such as counting, number recognition, vocabulary building, and memorization, but most importantly, they develop a child's sense of humor and enhance their ability to different...

Baby Animal Series (8 Books) سلسلة صغار الحيوانات
مجموعة من ثماتية اجزاء لتعليم الاطفال انواع الحيوانات وهي: صغار الحيوانات في حديقة المنزل صغار الحيوانات في المزرعة صغار الحيوانات في المروج العشبية صغار الحيوانات في الغابات الاستوائية صغار الحيوانات في البرك والأنهار صغار الحيوانات في البحار والمحيطات صغار الحيوانات في المناطق القطبية صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري

Angers Calms يغضب يهدأ
من خلال نشاطات يومية يتعرف الطفل على طرق للتعامل مع الغضب الذي يشعر به حين لا تجري الأمور كما يريد، فهناك دائما حل بسيط يزيل الغضب. كتاب يساعد الطفل على إدراك مفهوم الغضب و السيطرة عليه في حياته اليومية.

Anbar and Lolwa Series (3 Books)
عالم عَنْبَر ولُؤلْوَة هو عالمٌ أخّاذ آسِر، عالمٌ مُمْتِع، مُثيرٌ للضحك، مُؤثِّرٌ وَمُفعَمٌ بالفَرَحِ وتَتَخلَّلهُ نوباتٌ من الغضَب، لكن الأهمّ من ذلك كلّه أنه مألوفٌ للغاية لدى الأطفال وأهاليهم في كلّ مكان . تتكون من القصص التالية : لولوة أختي الصغيرة أنا وماما أنا ولولوة والأرنب

Always with me
لي صديق دائمًا معي. يمشي أمامي، خلفي، إلى يساري أو إلى يميني، يخرج من حذائي أو ينام تحتي. يزعجني أحيانًا، لكنه يبقى صديقي المفضل؛ لأنه دائمًا معي. كتاب للصغار يطرح موضوع الظل، المفهوم الذي يحير الأطفال في سنوات عمرهم الأولى، بشكل ممتع وبسيط.

Alper – Do I Have to go to School?
Alper lives with his mom, his dad, sister, and his cute cat Cartoony. He is curious, always getting into trouble and asks lots of question! Alper will be everybody's sweetheart because it is impossible not to love him!

Alone Like Me
القصة عن فزاعة حقل صنعها صاحب الحقل كي تبعد العصافيرعن حقله. وبالفعل هجرت العصافير الحقل، وبقيت الفزاعة وحيدة. ثم حدث أن مر بها صبي صغير ووعدها بأن يصحبها معه عندما يستغني عنها صاحب الحقل. مرت الأيام إلى أن هبت عاصفة كسرتها فرماها صاحب الحقل على جانب الطريق. وبعد انتظار طويل تحقق حلم الفزاعة، وجاء الصبي وأخذها معه.

Allah's Zoo
Allah invites us to observe His creations which include animals. Everyone is fascinated by animals, especially children. In Islam, animals have rights just like us. There are many animals that are dangerously close to extinction and need to be protected. It is up to us to protect these animals and we must start by taking care of our environment....

Allah Loves Me
This book consists of twelve different stories. All of the stories are based on a verse from the Qur'an. Verses like: Allah loves those who are patient. Allah loves those who are kind. Allah loves those who are helpful. Allah loves those who are clean. Every story has a child as a main character so children who read the story will easily ident...

Allah Gave Me Two Hands and Feet
A wonderful account of the sense of touch given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children, encouraging them to give thanks to our Creator. Full-colour illustrations. Allah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolour illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has b...

Allah Gave Me Two Eyes to See...
Allah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolor illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on us. Full-colour illustrations.

Allah Gave Me Two Ears to Hear
Allah Gave Me Two Ears to Hear is a wonderful account of the sense of hearing given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children, encouraging them to give thanks to our Creator. With rhymes and full-color watercolor illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed ...

Allah Gave Me A Tongue to Taste
A wonderful account of the sense of taste given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children through popular food tastes, encouraging them to give thanks to our Creator. Full-colour illustrations. Allah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolour illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys t...

Allah Gave Me A Nose to Smell
Allah Gave Me a Nose to Smell is a wonderful account of the sense of smell given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children through everyday smells and fragrances, encouraging them to give thanks to our Creator. This book contains 14 color illustrations.

Allah and Me
Allah knows what is best for us. Read this book to know what He expects from us and what He likes and dislikes. Allah and Me is a book which discusses some Islamic virtues which we should practice in our daily life in order to live according to Allah's will and become candidates for Paradise. A Muslim does everything for Allah. Every short stor...

Allah Al-Aleem
The best gift we can give our children is the knowledge of tawheed—to know their Creator. Knowing Allah by His names will help establish their roots and help them to attach to Allah out of love of His perfection. May Allah help us to fulfill the responsibility of bringing up our children knowing Allah and worshipping Him alone.

All About Wudu (Ablution) Activity Book
Find out about wudu (ablution) and how Muslims wash before prayer with this fun sticker activity book. Features dot-to-dot drawings, coloring fun, puzzles to solve, and over 60 stickers to stick. Introduces children to the way Muslims wash before prayer and the main parts involved in preparing for it, including making an intention and wearing cl...

All About Prayer (Salah) Activity Book
Kids can learn about salah with this fun sticker activity book. It features connect-the-dots games, coloring, puzzles, and over sixty stickers. It is a fun introduction to the way Muslims prepare for prayer and the main parts of the salah, including calling adhan, facing the Kaaba, and reciting words from the Qur'an.

Aleena Celebrates Eid
Aleena Celebrates Eid is an interactive and engaging story that teaches children about the glorious day of Eid al-Fitr. It is written in a lively, rhythmic tone through the eyes of little Aleena, who observes all the practices that make Eid a truly special day! From going to the mosque to offer Eid prayers to dressing up in her new Eid clothes, ...

Adults Shoes
القصة عن بنت صغيرة تحب الأحذية كثيرًا وتحب انتعال أحذية الكبار على الأخص. لذلك تراها تنتعل أحذية جميع أفراد العائلة و تحاول السير بها ولكنها تتعثر وتسقط لأن كل تلك الأحذية كبيرة على قدميها. رغم حبها لكل الأحذية هي تحب حذاءها الأبيض أكثر لأنه جميل وعلى مقاس قدمها ولا تتعثر به ولا تسقط.

Adam and Friends (6 Books with 50 Flashcards, 6 Color Pencils and 24 Drawings)
This series of 6 books and a coloring book with 50 flash cards aims to preparing young children to read. Centered around a little boy Adam, this set of 6 books will help children get a head start on reading and will make them fall in love with words at an early age. It includes a coloring book and 6 color pencils to encourage children to explore...

A Gift from Jannah
This is a children’s book with wonderful illustrations that helps satisfy the curiosity of children about their birth. It uses an easy to follow theist approach to explain the origin of babies without having to resort to talk of the birds and the bees. It’s ingenious and creative. It is recommended for parents who want an easy answer to give to ...

A Cat and Mouse Pact
When Matt, the orange tabby cat, sees Millie, the little gray mouse, he can’t decide between being mean or nice. After all, he must catch any mouse who sneaks inside the neat, red, brick house of old Mrs. Krouse. Millie pleads for a slice of cheese. Matt listens and thinks. They make a cat and mouse pact, build a friendship, and become pals. Fr...

5 Pillars of Islam
Written in simple, rhyming language and accompanied with bold, colourful illustrations this book is perfect to introduce young children to the most important acts in Islam: the Five Pillars. Each spread features one of the Five Pillars: believing in Allah and His Messenger, praying, fasting, giving charity and performing Hajj.

365 Dua With Stories
This book has simple yet profound duas and stories. It is set in the circumstances of our daily existence and expresses the joy and challenges of life. Reading these prayers and stories, children will come to know that ordinary incidents and day-to-day activities are such important subjects for prayer and why they should be thankful to Allah. ...

365 Days with the Sahabah
They were always with our Prophet (saw). Love, mercy, ethic, peace, and greetings: they learned them all from him. Most of all they learned how to be a Muslim. The did whatever he said. They followed wherever he went. They did not leave him alone even for a moment. Now, each of them is telling us about their lives, their friends and the time the...