The sixth student's book contains 4 units, each with 5 lessons and a test. The book in total includes 20 lessons and 5 unit tests. Each lesson consists of a text that includes conversation, an illustrated story, illustrated vocabulary, practice with sounds and letters, two exercises on linguistic structures and conversation, and writing practice. Then, students should complete the accompanying exercises in the the activity book.
This is the most comprehensive curriculum for teaching non-Arabic in Islamic schools in North America. Where The author who lived and taught in the West; add a great advantage to this recommendation and aim to focus on similar letters, reading and comprehension, creative writing exercises, ordering, pronunciation, fill in missing letter, matching, time, gender. Strongly recommend for children who have had previous exposure to the Arabic language. It is used by a number of full-time Islamic schools throughout the U.S. and comes highly recommended.
- Preparing and carrying out programs and curricula for teaching Arabic Language and Culture.
- Evaluating programs designed for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
- Preparing and developing measurement and evaluation tools in the field of teaching Arabic as a second or foreign language.
- Enhancing cooperation with other institutions interested in promoting the Arabic language, by carrying out Arabic courses abroad.
- Teaches Arabic as a primary language
- Arabic only
- Uses vowelled letters (diactrical marks, or tashkeel)
- Textbooks focus: listening, writing, reading, and speaking
- Workbooks focus: exercises and games that support the textbook
- Evaluations follow every 5 lessons
- Exposes students to common terminology
- Illustrated dictionary plus vocabulary list
- Ideal for Western students; themes are heavily cultural, not necessarily Islamic.
- A comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in full-time Islamic and public schools
تعرض مادة كتاب التلميذ السادس في أربع وحدات، يشتمل كل منها على خمسة دروس تنتهي باختبار، وبذلك يتضمن الكتاب عشرين درسا وأربعة اختبارات مرحلية، ويتكون كل درس من دروس الكتاب من نص يمزج بين الحوار والقصة السردية المصورة وعرض مصور للمفردات، وتدريب على الأصوات والحروف، وتدريبين على التراكيب اللغوية والكلام، وتدريب على الكتابة، يحال بعدها التلميذ إلى كتاب التدريبات ليؤدي التدريبات المكملة لكتاب التلميذ.
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