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10. Quranic Arabic Miscellaneous Curriculums

Qur'anic Language Made Easy
This book is a response to the demands made by students of Arabic language to transform teaching notes and methodologies into a textbook. The author, Iffath Hasan, is both a hafiza (one who has memorized the entire Qur'an) and an Arabic teacher who is now opening the door of Qur'anic comprehension to eager learners everywhere. IQRA' hopes beginn...

Learn the Language of the Holy Qur'an
This work is a self-contained and a self-directed textbook guide to the grammar that embodies Qur'anic Arabic. Thirty chapters with lesson plans to assist the reader through-out and accompanying exercises cover an exhaustive list of permutations and derivations of verbs, nouns, and sentences structure. IQRA' has produced this in a library editio...

Access to Qur'anic Arabic (3 Books with 4 CDs)
Following the beginner series Easy Steps in Arabic, Access to Qur'anic Arabic aids the advanced or adult student in learning the language of the Qur'an. An integrated set of books that cover the basic grammar and structure of Arabic using only Qur'anic words and examples throughout; the books are only available as a set. Based on the premise tha...