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- 18. Islamic Studies (Darrussalam) - Levels 1 to 6
18. Islamic Studies (Darrussalam) - Levels 1 to 6

Islamic Studies: Grade 1
Grade 1 covers a variety of topics, including Allah as the One, the Creator, and the Giver of Life; pillars of Islam; Iman; performance of wudo; prayer; several sections about the Prophet Mohammad (s); and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools,...

Islamic Education: Grade 2
Grade 2 covers a variety of topics, including Allah as the Creator, the All Knower; the books of Allah; telling lies; the etiquette of talking; the Islamic calendar; and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools, Darussalam has endeavored to p...

Islamic Studies: Grade 3
Grade 3 covers a variety of topics, including the call to prayer; lying, gossiping, and backbiting; fasting; some of the prophets; cleanliness; and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools, Darussalam has endeavored to publish an Islamic Stu...

Islamic Studies: Grade 4
Grade 4 covers a variety of topics, including Ar-Rahmaan ar-Rahmeen; Surat al-Faatihah; reward and punishment; halal food and drink; Sunnah acts of salat; and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools, Darussalam has endeavored to publish an Islamic Studi...

Islamic Studies: Grade 5
Grade 5 covers a variety of topics, including life after death; several surat, including Surat at-Teen; the best use of time; Friday prayer; and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools, Darussalam has endeavored to publish an Islamic Studies series cove...

Islamic Studies: Grade 6
Grade 6 covers a variety of topics, including the Kabba; taraaweeha prayers; good moral character; kindness to animals; etiquette of conversation; and more. This book also contains fun activities and review sections. Given the dire need for English Islamic studies material in schools, Darussalam has endeavored to publish an Islamic S...