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Islamic Curriculums & Books

Islamic 'Aqidah and Fiqh
Islamic 'Aqidah and Fiqh the textbook by Hajiyah B. Aisha Lemu in the 1980s, offers a new approach to the teaching of Islamic Studies, especially for younger students. It offers authentic information on Islamic 'Aqidah and Fiqh in simple English, combining the spirit of the teachings of Islam with their moral and social values. This work handles...

Islamic Beliefs - A Brief Introduction to the 'Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah
It is essential for Muslims to monitor their beliefs and their approach to Islam, so that they may be certain that they are following the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the early generations of pious Muslims (the salaf). This book touches on all main points of Islamic belief.

Islamic Education - The Right Path: Level 1 التربية الإسلامية
“Islamic Education – The Right Path” exposes the young student to Islam in a child-friendly manner using illustrations, simple text and activities. Loaded with large illustrations these books will engage young students' attention and interest as they learn the basics of Islam. Features: Pillars of Islam Short suras from Qur'an Haddith ...

Islamic Education - The Right Path: Level 2 التربية الإسلامية
Level 2 of “Islamic Education – The Right Path” covers the following subjects: Al-Aqeeda Al-Ibadat Muslims’ Celebrations Aadaab (Islamic Manners and Etiquette) Du’a-Supplication Al-Hadeeth The Stories of the Prophets As-Seerah (The Biography of Prophet Muhammad) “Islamic Education – The Right Path” exposes the young student to Islam in a...

Islamic Education - The Right Path: Level 3 التربية الإسلامية
Level 3 of “Islamic Education – The Right Path” covers the following subjects: Al-Aqeeda Al-Ibadat Muslims Around the World Aadaab (Islamic Manners and Etiquette) Du’a-Supplication Al-Hadeeth The Stories of the Prophets As-Seerah (The Biography of Prophet Muhammad) “Islamic Education – The Right Path” exposes the young student ...

Islamic Education - The Right Path: Level 4 التربية الإسلامية
Level 4 of “Islamic Education – The Right Path” covers the following subjects: Al-Aqeeda Al-Ibadat The Stories of the Prophets Al-Hadeeth Du’a-Supplication Al-Adab (Islamic Manners and Etiquette) The Holy Cities of Islam As-Sirah An-Nabaweyah “Islamic Education – The Right Path” exposes the young student to Islam in a child-fri...

Islamic Education - The Right Path: Pre-K & KG Level التربية الإسلامية
“Islamic Education – The Right Path” exposes the young student to Islam in a child-friendly manner using illustrations, simple text and activities. Loaded with large illustrations these books will engage young students' attention and interest as they learn the basics of Islam. Features: Pillars of Islam Short suras from Qur'an Haddith ...

Islamic Studies: Book 1
The "Islamic Studies" series of books by the prolific writer and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips are part of a meticulously written series intended to guide young Muslims in a manner that helps them acquire a thorough practical and spiritual foundation. This series have been generally acknowledged as an excellent introduction set to the principles of ...

Islamic Studies: Book 2
The "Islamic Studies" series of books by the prolific writer and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips are part of a meticulously written series intended to guide young Muslims in a manner that helps them acquire a thorough practical and spiritual foundation. This series have been generally acknowledged as an excellent introduction set to the principles of ...

Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq
This is a revised and expanded edition of Aisha Lemu's landmark book, Tahdhib and Sirah. Within this textbook, a broad spectrum of moral and social teachings as well as important biographies are covered in a systematic and organized way, giving both the theory and practical examples of Akhlaq and Tahdhib. This revised edition hands over organize...

It's ALL About Islam: Level 6
It’s All About Islam: It’s ALL About Islam – Level 6. The first book in our three-part Islamic Studies curriculum for the middle school grades, Level 6 introduces students to important themes appropriate for this grade. This level addresses the basic belief system of Islam, Islamic history and culture, geography, Muslim achievements and the Musl...

It's ALL About Islam: Level 7
It’s ALL About Islam – Level 7. The second book in our three-part Islamic Studies curriculum for the middle school grades, Level 7 continues important themes that were introduced in Level 6. This level addresses the basic belief system of Islam, Islamic history and culture, geography, Muslim achievements and the Muslim experience in the West to...

It's ALL About Islam: Level 8
It’s All About Islam:It’s ALL About Islam – Level 8. The final book in our three-part Islamic Studies curriculum for the middle school grades, Level 8 continues important themes that were introduced in Levels 6 and 7. This level addresses the basic belief system of Islam, Islamic history and culture, geography, Muslim achievements and the Muslim...

Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG1
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Kindergarten Level KG1Third: Teacher’s Guide- The book has 96 (21*28) pages with just two colors- The guide starts with a short introduction that clarifies its purposes, which are to teach the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.- After the introduction there is a long introduction entitl...

Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG2
The teacher guide has 128 pages. It measures 21 x 28 and is printed in two colors. It starts with a short introduction that defines the objectives of the book: to teach the main language skills (listening, conversation, reading, and writing). A longer introduction, "Guide in My Hand," follows, elucidating some important issues, such as the gener...

Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 1
Teacher guide includes (128 pages), Dimensions 21*28 (Two colors) It starts with short introduction that define the objectives of book to teach the main language skills (Listening, conversation, reading and writing) Then it comes with long introduction titled with (Guide in my hand) which shows some of important issues like :- The ge...
Noorani Qa'idah: Master Reading the Qur'an (Arabic & English, Regular Size: 8.5" x 11") القواعد النورانية
Islamic Curriculum

Noorani Qa'idah: Master Reading the Qur'an (Arabic & English, Regular Size: 8.5" x 11") القواعد النورانية
Throughout years of teaching Qur'an and Arabic to students ranging from Kindergarten through the college level, it became apparent that there was a need for a consistent, well-designed curriculum to teach students how to recite the Qur'an. The compilation and publication of this work and its supplemental materials aim to fulfill that need. This ...
Noorani Qa'idah: Master Reading the Qur'an (Set of 2 Books and 6 Audio CDs) القواعد النورانية
Islamic Curriculum

Noorani Qa'idah: Master Reading the Qur'an (Set of 2 Books and 6 Audio CDs) القواعد النورانية
Mastering the art of Qur'anic recitation and the rules of tajweed is no easy task for any Muslim, particularly if Arabic is not his or her native language. This well-known program, Noorani Qa'idah, a staple of tajweed students for over 20 years, has been proven immensely successful throughout the world due to its effective and comprehensive meth...

Our Book of Du'a
This is a unique book of Dua' for young children. Twenty everyday prayers are are presented with Arabic text, transliteration and translation. Every aspect of a child's life is covered: waking, eating, leaving home, etc. Each page teaches a du'a' for a different event by showing the Arabic, the English pronunciation and the English translation...

Our Religion is Islam a Coloring Book for Children
This wonderful coloring book teaches kindergarteners about their identity, beliefs, and duties including prayer, fasting, Zakah, and Hajj in an interesting and engaging manner. Children color and learn who Muslims are, what they say, how they dress and all the basics of Islam. This book is an introduction to Aqidah, Fiqh and Akhlaq to Muslim chi...

Palestine and Jerusalem land of the Prophets Series - with CD's (12 Books)
سلسلة فلسطين والقدس – أرض الأنبياء - سلسلة قصصية موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة تركز كل قصة من قصص السلسلة على جانب معين من تاريخ فلسطين والقدس في الماضي والحاضر، أو شخصية من الشخصيات التي ارتبطت بفلسطين والقدس عبر تاريخها الطويل، او في واقعها المعاصر. صيغت قصص السلسلة في عالم من الأحداث المعاصرة التي يعيشها الأطفال في واقع حياتهم، بأسلوب حكائي ...

Qur'an for Little Muslims (Bundle of 3 Audio CDs)
Introduce Your Children to the Qur’an! We’ve collected all of our Qur’an for Little Muslims series CDs in one great package. Imaginative stories provide tangible illustrations of how any child can apply the wisdom of the Qur’an throughout the day. Rather than by attempting to translate or explain the meaning of Allah’s words, themes and morals...

Qur'an for Little Muslims 2 (Audio CD)
Discover the treasures of the Qur'an! More great stories adapted from nine short suras. Qur'an for Little Muslims has become our hottest selling audio series. Through captivating stories, the Qur'an for Little Muslims series seeks to impart the spirit and themes of the short suras and other verses of the Holy Qur'an. These imaginative stories pr...

Qur'an for Little Muslims 3 (Audio CD)
Explore the wonders of the Qur'an! Through captivating stories, Qur'an for Little Muslims Series imparts the spirit and themes of the short surahs and other verses of the Qur'an. These imaginative stories provide tangible illustrations of how any child can apply the wisdom of the Qur'an throughout the day. Rather than attempting to translate or ...

Qur'an Made Easy
This is the best basic book to learn Qur’anic Arabic. There has been a tremendous demand for a comprehensive Qur'an Made Easy for the Muslim children born in the west. Recite Hafiz Shabbir Ahamd Bhelim has compiled this version basing it on his life long experience of teaching the young children to read and memorize the Holy Quran. All the instr...

Qur'anic Language Made Easy
This book is a response to the demands made by students of Arabic language to transform teaching notes and methodologies into a textbook. The author, Iffath Hasan, is both a hafiza (one who has memorized the entire Qur'an) and an Arabic teacher who is now opening the door of Qur'anic comprehension to eager learners everywhere. IQRA' hopes beginn...

Quran and Seerah Stories for Kids Gift Box (2 Hardcover Books)
This gift box set includes 2 books that contain the best-loved tales from the Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad (s). They were chosen for the very young as they provide a foundation upon which to build a growing knowledge of the Quran, seerah, and the scriptures. This is story-telling at its best with the meaning and message expressed in ea...
Taqreeb Al-Muneer for the Young Beginner-Tajweed Rules تقريب المنير للمبتدئ والصغير
Islamic Curriculum

Taqreeb Al-Muneer for the Young Beginner-Tajweed Rules تقريب المنير للمبتدئ والصغير
Owing to the importance of teaching the rules of tajweed to beginners and young students (8–15 years), the Association for the Preservation of the Holy Quran published the book Taqreeb al-Muneer for Beginners and Young Students, which was developed from al-Muneer in the Rules of Tajweed. This book was carefully designed to make it appropriate fo...

The Fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism, Paperback)
This is a current expanded, revised edition of the author's original work. This book presents a detailed explanation of the classical Islamic concept of God's unity as it relates to faith and acts of religious devotion. It also discusses the major areas within which the Islamic unitarian belief (tawheed) is either nullified or compromised by ido...

The Gracious Quran
This contemporary, authoritative translation interprets the Quran’s meaning for the English reader with unprecedented access to the Book that is the foundational source of Islam, its civilization and its peoples, who now comprise nearly one-fourth of humanity across the breadth of all the Earth’s continents and who form a crucial, contiguous com...

The Holy Qur'an for School Children (Juz 'Amma - Part 30)
This is a complete textbook for learning and understanding the last part (juz) of the Holy Qur'an. Every surah is presented with an engaging introduction, a clear, explanatory translation for maximum comprehension, review questions and activities to test the knowledge of the students about the themes of each surah, the full Arabic text and final...

The Life and Sayings of Rasulullah Coloring Book
This wonderful coloring book is an excellent first introduction to the life of Prophet Muhammad(s). The first section concentrates on the story of his life while the second section offers a collection of haddith in simplistic phrases and related to Islamic ethics, age appropriate for children in pre-school and kindergarten that has been designed...

The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an in Today's English Extended Study Edition
The Holy Qur'an is a religious scripture held sacred by over a billion people around the globe. Its message is considered timeless, even as it was revealed at a definite time in history. Countless scholars have studied and explained the meaning and the message of this book for many generations, and in many cases, their understandings were shaped...

The Memorized Quran (Color May Vary) المصحف المحفّظ
This copy of the Noble Qur’an is based on the Uthmani script according to the recitation of Hafs an ‘Aasim. The copy is followed by du’a khatmul Quran (the supplication for completion of the Qur’an), an index arranged according to the order of the Surahs, and pages explaining Qur’anic punctuation and recitation guidelines. Also included is an in...

The Prophet of Mercy Series (12 Books)
سلسلة نبي الرحمة : سلسلة قصصية مبسطة موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة. تركز هذه السلسلة على نماذج مختارة من سيرة النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتقف عند جوانب من إنسانيته وسلوكه الحضاري المتميز مثل: تعامله مع الأطفال والصبيان. الرفق بالحيوان والعناية بالنبات. بر الوالدين والإحسان إلى الخدم والضعفاء. توجيهاته عليه السلام بخصوص التعامل بيس...

The Stories of the Sahaba - Hearts Have Changed: Volume 4
"Hearts Have Changed" is the fourth in the series entitled Stories of the Sahabah, adapted by the popular author Noura Durkee who offers 5 books detailing the lives of the Sahabah of the Prophet(s). These inspirational accounts are of those Companions who were at first unreceptive to Islam, and how their beings were transformed when Allah opene...

The Stories of the Sahaba - The First Ones: Volume 2
“The First Ones” is the second volume in our series, Stories of the Sahabah, adapted by the popular author Noura Durkee who offers 5 books detailing the lives of the Sahabah of the Prophet(s). This volume contains the biographies of prominent Sahabah (companions) of the Prophet as recorded in various traditions (ahadith). Many of them followed ...

The Stories of the Sahaba - The Loyal Ansar: Volume 3
“The Loyal Ansar” is the third volume in the series entitled Stories of the Sahabah, adapted by the popular author Noura Durkee who offers 5 books detailing the lives of the Sahabah of the Prophet(s). It’s a collection of beautifully written biographies encompasses the lives of the dedicated Madinah hosts of Prophet (peace be upon him and his f...

The Stories of the Sahaba - Those Promised Paradise: Volume 1
This unique book is the first volume in IQRA's series entitled “Stories of the Sahabah” as adapted by Mrs. Noura Durkee. This volume contains the biographies of twenty-one intimate Sahabah who were promised their place in Paradise, as recorded in various traditions (ahadith). This series presents the lives of the Sahabah for younger generations ...

The Ten Companions Who Are Promised with AlJannah (Heaven) Series - (10 Books and 2 Audio CDs) سلسلة العشرة المبشرين بالجنة للأطفال
تعرض كل قصة من قصص السلسلة جوانب من سيرة صحابي جليل من الصحابة العشرة المبشرين بالجنة، وتعرف الأطفال بمواقف مضيئة من سيرهم رضى الله عنهم جميعاً. تتناول هذه السلسلة جوانب هامة من سير الصحابة المبشرين بالجنة وهم: أبو بكر الصديق رضى الله عنه. عمر بن الخطاب رضى الله عنه. عثمان بن عفان رضى الله عنه. على بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه. طلحة بن ...

We Are Muslims 1 (Audio CD)
The best-selling tape for little Muslims worldwide! You'll be amazed how quickly your little ones will know the basics of Islam when they are set to these catchy tunes and popular Nursery Rhymes. You'll find yourself singing along! Written and produced by a professional musician and sung by real Muslim kids!13 songs including: We are Muslims (Ly...

We Are Muslims 2 (Audio CD)
Everyone loved We Are Muslims so much they begged for more! We Are Muslims 2 features more great songs in the style of the original but goes into more detail about each pillar of Islam. Great when your little ones are too big for Barney but still like to sing! These great songs travel well, too. Got a cranky little one in the back seat? Pop in t...

We Love Muhammad (No Music, Audio CD)
This is the first in the series of CDs that tells the story of Prophet Muhammad’s (s) life in the most creative and appealing style for children. Through dramatic narration, sound effects and songs, sung by our talented "We Are Muslims Kids", parents, teachers and children alike will enjoy learning about the Prophet’s (s) life and applying h...

We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book (with music audio CD)
Let's have fun! Projects, coloring, puzzles, and more will stretch little Muslims' imaginations as they listen to the CD. Designed for Islamic schools and families alike, NoorArt audiocassettes and activity books work hand-in-hand to instill the love and appreciation of Allah, His Prophet (s), and Islam. The We Love Muhammad (s) Activity Book...

We Love Muhammad (With Music, Audio CD)
This is the first in the series of CDs that tells the story of Prophet Muhammad’s (s) life in the most creative and appealing style for children. Through dramatic narration, sound effects and songs, sung by our talented "We Are Muslims Kids", parents, teachers and children alike will enjoy learning about the Prophet’s (s) life and applying his s...

We Love Muhammad Life In Mecca: Volume 1 (DVD)
Detailed Description: Noorart proudly presents Volume I of a new series available on DVD. We Love Muhammad – Life in Mecca, the life story of Muhammad, peace be upon him, most honored Prophet of Islam, beloved by all Muslims.Captivating storyteller, Noor Saadeh, (Qur’an for Little Muslims, We Are Muslims audio series) narrates this delightf...

Weekend Learning - Beginners Arabic Reading
When your child is ready to go to kindergarten, introduce him or her to the Qur'ān. The best way to do that is to begin teaching him or her the Arabic alphabet and vowel signs. After learning the alphabet, your child will be able to read, write and pronounce it correctly. The Beginners Arabic Reading book is a step-by-step guide to begin readi...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 6 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Islamic Curriculum

Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 6 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Islamic Studies - Student Workbook - Level 6 is designed to complement the revised and enlarged Islamic Studies textbook for this level. The workbook has large number of test questions to cover each lesson in a comprehensive manner. Each workbook has a large number of quizzes and activities. The workbooks will help students review key concepts ...