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History & Biography

Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, was also one of the members of the Prophet's household. The Prophet took him into his care when he was only 5 years old and gave him an excellent upbringing. And from then onwards, he remained with the Prophet's daughter Fatima after the migration to Medinah. In fact, he was s...

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali and wool : level 1 أبو حامد الغزالي والصوف
تحكي القصة عن خلُق التعاون عند أبي حامد، فقد كان يساعد والده "الغزالي" في غزل الصوف، وتعرّف الطفل كذلك -بطريقة السؤال والجواب- فوائد الصوف وكيفية الحصول عليه.

Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq: His Life & Times
This comprehensive study of the life of the first Rightly-Guided Caliph, based on the era immediately after the Prophet’s death, details the many challenges he faced as successor. The methodology adopted by Abu Bakr to overcome obstacles and allow Islam to bask in everlasting glory holds many valuable lessons for the Muslims of today.

A Starlight View of Islam's Past
Detailed Description: A Starlight View of Islam's Past, offers a fascinating glimpse of World Islamic History for young children using a unique approach to chorological history. Based on the premise that a starlight can take years to reach earth, the author gives a vivid eyewitness account of past events unfolding in front of him. He i...
A Social History Of Education In The Muslim World (From the Prophetic Era to Ottoman Times)

A Social History Of Education In The Muslim World (From the Prophetic Era to Ottoman Times)
A Social History of Education in the Muslim World: From the Prophetic Era to Ottoman Times provides a comprehensive view of education and society in the Muslim world throughout the five key historic periods. The book asks intriguing questions such as, how has the Muslim quest for knowledge defined education, how have a range of Muslim educationa...

A Journey Through Islamic History
A Journey through Islamic History tells you all you ever wanted to know about the history of the Muslim world from the Prophet Muhammad to Malcolm X in a short, accessible and lavishly-illustrated format. Suitable for students of all ages. Seven chronological essays covering 1500 years of history. With over 175 pictures, illustrations a...

A Day With... Series (8 books) يوم بصحبة
مجموعة من ثمانية كتب تقدِّم تراجم مبسّطة لأهم وأبرز المفكرين والفلاسفة العرب والمسلمين الذين كانت لهم إسهامات كبيرة ليس في تطور العلوم والفكر العربية والإسلامي فحسب، بل والعالمي أيضاً. يوم بصحبة - عمر الخيام . يوم بصحبة- ابن سينا . يوم بصحبة - الخوارزمي . يوم بصحبة - ابن الهيثم . يوم بصحبة - أبو عبدالله البتاني . يوم بصحب...
1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization (3rd Edition, English Edition)

1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization (3rd Edition, English Edition)
1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization takes readers on a journey through years of forgotten Islamic history to discover one thousand fascinating scientific and technological inventions still being used throughout the world today. Take a look at all of the discoveries that led to the great technological advances of our time;...

1001 Inventions & Awesome Facts from Muslim Civilization
We often think that people from a thousand years ago were living in the Dark Ages. But from the 7th century onward in Muslim civilization there were amazing advances and inventions that still influence our everyday lives. People living in the Muslim world saw what the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Greek, and Romans had discovered and spent the ne...

'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab: His Life and Times (2 Volumes)
We are living in tumultuous times, but they are no less tumultuous than the era of 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab, whose life began in Jahiliyah and ended in the Golden Age of Islam. We can learn much from the history of this second caliph of Islam, who was faced with unprecedented challenges but met them successfully within the framework of shari'ah and ...