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29. Easy Arabic - Pre-K to 6 - العربية الميسرة
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Preparatory Level (Level KG) العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Preparatory Level (Level KG) العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...
Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises : Level 2 العربية الميسّرة العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises : Level 2 العربية الميسّرة العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 3 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 3 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts, this curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing, and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to...
Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises: Level 5 العربية الميسّرة العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises: Level 5 العربية الميسّرة العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...
Easy Arabic Reading and expression lessons and exercises : Level 6 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Easy Arabic Reading and expression lessons and exercises : Level 6 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...