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- 18. Arabic in Our Children's Hands - 1 to 6 - العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The new series is the most updated in teaching Arabic to non - native speakers aged 5 - 18 years. It combines a comprehensive curriculum for both of student and teacher, written by elited and specialized academics in the field of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.
أحدث السلاسل المتخصصة في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها. ألفها نخبة من الأكاديميين المتخصصين، والموجهة للدراسين من عمر (5-18) عاما. تتألف من 12 كتاب للطالب مصحوبة بالمواد الصوتية و12 كتاب للمعلم.أُعدت للتدريس في المؤسسات التعليمية المختلفة، كما أنها اعتمدت اللغة العربية الفصحى منهجاً لها.
18. Arabic in Our Children's Hands - 1 to 6 - العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 1 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 1 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
This book consists of 8 units; each unit has 5 lessons and an activity, so that each book contains 40 lessons. The distribution of lessons is as follows. There are two revisions, after the fourth and the eighth units (Do you remember?) Self-revision of the content of those units and this review includes the following: The first conversation ...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 2 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 2 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a sp...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 3 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 3 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a sp...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 4 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 4 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a special b...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 5 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 5 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a sp...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a sp...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 7 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 7 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
This book consists of 8 units; each unit has 5 lessons and an activity, so that each book contains 40 lessons. The distribution of lessons is as follows. There are two revisions, after the fourth and the eighth units (Do you remember?) Self-revision of the content of those units and this review includes the following: The first conversation (w...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 8 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 8 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
This book consists of 8 units; each unit has 5 lessons and an activity, so that each book contains 40 lessons. The distribution of lessons is as follows. There are two revisions, after the fourth and the eighth units (Do you remember?) Self-revision of the content of those units and this review includes the following: The first conversation (wi...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 9 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 9 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
This book consists of 8 units; each unit has 5 lessons and an activity, so that each book contains 40 lessons. The distribution of lessons is as follows. There are two revisions, after the fourth and the eighth units (Do you remember?) Self-revision of the content of those units and this review includes the following: The first conversation (w...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 10 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 10 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic In Our Children’s Hands Student Book: Level 10 is a Arabic textbook for elementary school kids from Arabic In Our Children’s Hands series. With this book, children will learn Arabic words and sentences. Besides, this book helps to improve Arabic writing and reading skill of children. This book contains 12 units, and each unit consists of...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 11 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 11 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic In Our Children’s Hands Student Book: Level 11 is a Arabic textbook for elementary school kids from Arabic In Our Children’s Hands series. With this book, children will learn Arabic words and sentences. Besides, this book helps to improve Arabic writing and reading skill of children. This book contains 12 units, and each unit consists of...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 12 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 12 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic In Our Children’s Hands Student Book: Level 12 is a Arabic textbook for elementary school kids from Arabic In Our Children’s Hands series. With this book, children will learn Arabic words and sentences. Besides, this book helps to improve Arabic writing and reading skill of children. This book contains 12 units, and each unit consists ...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 1 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 1 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 2 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 2 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 3 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 3 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 4 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 4 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 5 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 5 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 7 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 7 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gen...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 8 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 8 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gen...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 9 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 9 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gen...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 10 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 10 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gen...
Arabic in Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 11 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic in Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 11 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gen...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 12 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 12 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books.It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides gener...