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Arabic-English Dictionary

Al-Mawrid Al-Waseet: A Concise Arabic-English Dictionary
This concise Arabic to English dictionary is comprehensive, easy-to-use, and an excellent tool for high school students. Al-Mawrid Al-Waseet comprises 15,000 general and linguistic expressions presented in a nicely organized format.

Al-Mawrid Al-Waseet: Concise Dictionary, English-Arabic and Arabic-English
This dual Arabic to English and English to Arabic hardcover dictionary is an excellent tool for students. It consists of almost 1,500 pages and has thousands of commonly used words at students’ fingertips. This edition features black and white illustrations scattered throughout.

Student's Intermediate Dictionary Arabic-English
This dictionary is characterized by: It contains more than 25,000 terms with their synonyms, and organized alphabetically and according to their pronunciation in Arabic language. It contains more than 200 illustrations and forms. In many instances Arabic pronunciation is explained by another Arabic one, and after that the English synonym...

Arabic English Dictionary for Children
This dictionary is an important tool that can be used by second language students to develop their vocabulary and improve writing, speaking, and grammar skills. يعد هذا القاموس المصور من الادوات المهمة التي تستخدم في تعليم اللغة الثانية من حيث تدريب الطالب لتطوير مستواه، كما يمكنه استخدامه لتحسين المفردات اللغوية لديه كما يمكنه استحدامه في تطو...

Al-Mawrid Trilingual Dictionary English-Arabic-French
The best and first dictionary of its kind in the Arab world, with three language: Arabic, English and French, plus phonetic spelling method. The most advanced English/Arabic/French dictionary. Contains more than 100,000 words with many related appendices and phonetic transcriptions. This dictionary makes easy and quick references for students of...

Al-Mawrid Trilingual Student Dictionary: English-Arabic-French
This trilingual dictionary is a great reference for students as it contains three languages: Arabic, English and French. The precise meanings and brevity, along with the productive vocabulary deepens the researcher’s knowledge and allows immediate comparisons between the three languages. Students will find an abundance of terminology and synonym...

A Basic Dictionary of Islam
Detailed Description: The author, a prolific writer of Books on Islam has presented an excellent dictionary of Islam, which would serve students and scholars alike. A good selection of Islamic terminology given a brief definition; it includes Islamic terminology from the Qur'an, Haddith as well as proper names of personalities and place nam...

My First Words in Pictures
My First Words in Arabic and English is a delightful new picture book to share with young children. It is an ideal introduction to 150 words that have been carefully selected from themes ranging from the classroom, the hospital, and recycling, to the kitchen, the toy cupboard, and the birthday party. اجمع الكلمة بصورتها المناسبةّ!... كتاب بالصُّ...