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05. Arabic Club

Arabic Club Textbook: Volume 1
The book is divided into units, with each unit made up of several lessons. Each lesson contains a story that focuses on the letter or diacritical mark (harakah) that is the basis of the lesson. These texts are also included in the teacher’s guide. The letters of madd (alef, waw, and ya) are introduced in a manner that allows students to con...

Arabic Club Textbook: Volume 2
This book is divided into units which contain conversation panels that present interesting stories. The purpose of these stories is to improve listening and speaking skills. The book presents Arabic letters (including the letters of madd) in a simple way, using games to train the student to recognize letters, syllables, and structures, until t...

Arabic Club Workbook: Volume 2
These fun and colorful books give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Islamic themes and songs throughout along with lovely illustrations. Volume Two focuses on tracing, then writing the letters.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. V...

Arabic Club Teacher Book: Volume 2
These fun and colorful books give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Islamic themes and songs throughout along with lovely illustrations. Volume Two focuses on tracing, then writing the letters.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. V...

Arabic Club Textbook and Workbook: Volume 3
This book supports teaching the Arabic language for 1st grade students and to overcome weakness of the first three elementary stages in writing and combining letters to make a readable word. This comprehensive and flexible curriculum aims to improve students’ basic skills.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks...

Arabic Club Teacher Book: Volume 3
This book is a supplementary guide to teaching Arabic to first grade students. It can also serve as a remedial guide for students in all levels of elementary school. This book specifically addresses difficulties in writing Arabic letters, connecting them to form words, and reading. This book has a holistic, flexible and diversified curriculum a...

Arabic Club Posters: Part 3 (9 Posters)
These fun and colorful posters give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Features Islamic themes and lovely illustrations.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. Visit the complete set page of this series by clicking the link in the "Buy...