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08. Arabic Between Your Hands
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 1, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الأول
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 1, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الأول
Arabic At Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, includ...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 1, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 1, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
“Arabic Between Your Hands Series” is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic Between Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational enti...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 2, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الثاني
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 2, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الثاني
Arabic At Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, includ...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 2, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 2, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic At Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, includ...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 3, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الثالث
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 3, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الثالث
“Arabic Between Your Hands Series” is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic BetweenYour Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entit...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 3, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 3, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Between Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, i...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 1 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 1 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic At Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, includ...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 2 (With Online Audio Content) العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب
Arabic Between Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic Between Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entiti...
Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 1 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الأول
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 1 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الأول
Arabic Between Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, i...
Arabic Between Your Hands: Teacher Book Level 2 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثاني
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands: Teacher Book Level 2 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثاني
Arabic in Your Hands is part of a collection of programs called Arabic For All. The series includes a book that introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, students, and teachers. This curriculum was developed for educational entities, including schools, institutes, and universities.It begins at a basic leve...
Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 3 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثالث
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 3 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثالث
“Arabic in Your Hands Series” is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, incl...
Arabic Between Your Hands Teacher Book: Level 4 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands Teacher Book: Level 4 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم
“Arabic in Your Hands Series” is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, incl...
Arabic Between Your Hands: Dictionary (Arabic-Arabic) المعجم العربي بين يديك
Arabic Curriculum

Arabic Between Your Hands: Dictionary (Arabic-Arabic) المعجم العربي بين يديك
Illustrated Arabic/Arabic dictionary. Contains the vocabularies of the series and many other common vocabularies. More than 7000 Arabic terms. Distinguished alphabetical order. Easy access to words (as written). Useful for Arabic and non Arabic learners. هذا المعجم معجم عربي - عربي ، مصور. صُمِّم ليخدم طلابنا العــــرب في المراحــــل المختل...

Arabic in Your Hands: The Letters حروف العربية بين يديك – مدخل للكتاب الأول
A preliminary handbook for beginner students, this book precedes the first student book in the Arabic in Your Hands series. It teaches reading and writing. This book presents the letters in their separate and connected forms. Letters are arranged beginning with the easiest letters to draw (they change the least when connected).Students begin wri...