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- 06. Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children الياسمين لتعليم العربية للأطفال
A newly developed series aimed at helping young children gain basic knowledge of Arabic letters and numbers.
The Series presents exercises that use eye-catching images to Help keep the child’s focus and attention
.سلسلة تم تطويرها حديثًا تهدف إلى مساعدة الأطفال الصغار اكتساب المعرفة الأساسية من الحروف والأرقام العربية
.تقدم السلسلة تمارين تستخدم صورًا لافتة للنظر ساعد في الحفاظ على تركيز الطفل واهتمامه
06. Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children الياسمين لتعليم العربية للأطفال
Alyasameen Arabic Language Course for Kids: Student's Book - Level KG1الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (4-6) سنوات: كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Alyasameen Arabic Language Course for Kids: Student's Book - Level KG1الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (4-6) سنوات: كتاب الطالب
This book includes the Arabic alphabet, the vowel marks (fatha, damma, and kasra), and more than 165 vocabulary words written in a special font that shows the letters clearly, in addition to many coloring and drawing exercises to help students learn to hold the pencil correctly and train their hand muscles. We also used thick paper to make it ea...
Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Workbook :Level KG1 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (4-6) سنوات: كتاب التدريبات
Arabic Curriculum

Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Workbook :Level KG1 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (4-6) سنوات: كتاب التدريبات
This book is complementary to the student’s book; it focuses on teaching the student to write each letter with vowel marks. It also includes coloring exercises and cutting and pasting exercises that will help students distinguish between shapes and train their hand muscles. You can scan smart codes on the pages and listen to the phonics on each...
Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Student Book :Level KG2 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (7-5) سنوات: كتاب الطالب
Arabic Curriculum

Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Student Book :Level KG2 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (7-5) سنوات: كتاب الطالب
This book focuses on reviewing writing letters with vowel marks and teaching the skill of connecting letters and adding them to long vowels. It also includes more than 200 carefully chosen vocabulary words, written in a special font that shows the letters clearly. We also focused on many skills, such as using a pencil, tracing lines, and cutting...
Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Workbook :Level KG2 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (7-5) سنوات: كتاب التدريبات
Arabic Curriculum

Alyasameen to learn Arabic Language for Children Workbook :Level KG2 الياسمين لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال (7-5) سنوات: كتاب التدريبات
This book is complementary to the student’s book; it focuses on the skills of writing letters, attaching them to other letters, adding them to long vowels, and separating words into letters. It also includes cut and paste exercises for each letter that help students distinguish between shapes and train their hand muscles. You can scan smart cod...