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- 01. Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers (With Online Audio Content)
AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and gradually from one level to the next.
The series is based on international reference frameworks and standards for languages, such as the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) as well as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), with regards to language levels and skills (from listening and conversation to reading and writing) and linguistic, communicative, and cultural proficiency.
The series is unique in that it approaches grammatical issues from a functional angle.
click here for more details about Al-Asas, its Content and Author Webinars
01. Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers (With Online Audio Content)

Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 1 Primer Level
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage.AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and gr...
Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 2 Beginner Level-Part 1
Arabic Curriculum

Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 2 Beginner Level-Part 1
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage. AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition sm...
Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers: Book 3 Beginner Level- Part 2
Arabic Curriculum

Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers: Book 3 Beginner Level- Part 2
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage.AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and gr...
Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 4 Intermediate Level- Part 1
Arabic Curriculum

Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 4 Intermediate Level- Part 1
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage.AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and gr...
Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 5 Intermediate- Level Part 2
Arabic Curriculum

Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 5 Intermediate- Level Part 2
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage.AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and gr...

Letters and Words Series (Set of 28 Books) سلسلة: حروف وكلمات
مَجْموعَةٌ مكونة من ٢٨ قصة شعرية قَصيرَة… معًا نَتعَّلمُ الحروفَ والـمُفردات... نَستمِعُ إلى قِصَصٍ شِعريَّةٍ، ونُردِّدُها بِصورةٍ جَماعِيَّة… معَ الحِكاياتِ والصورِ والكَلمات... نَقْضي أسْعدَ الأوقات