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A Journey with the Beloved Prophet Series

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 5
هذا الكتاب: للآباء الحريصين على تربية أبنائهم على حب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وتعلم سيرته الشريفة. لمعلمي مادة التربية الإسلامية واللغة العربية الراغبين في إضافة التشويق إلى أسلوبهم التعليمي. لأطفال الأمة الإسلامية وشبابها الذين ينوون بناء الحضارة بغرس لبنة حب الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم في نفوسهم.

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 4
The book A Journey with the Beloved Prophet, a biography about the beloved Prophet (s), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented in a suitable format for children.The first part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha and the elephants, the marriage and death of Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib, and the birth of the P...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 3
The third part covers the stages of migration.The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented in a suitable format for children. The first part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha, the birth of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Mutta...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 2
This part discusses the secret era of inviting people to Islam up to the story of Isra wal-Mi'raaj, (the night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem to the heavens).The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and is illustrated and presented i...

A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 1
This part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha, the birth of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, marriage and death of Abdullah, and the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) up to the beginning of the mission.The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and ...