My Friend, the Dictionary: It is designed to introduce our young children to the world that surrounds them, so they discover people’s names, animals and things. It is part of a series of dictionaries with images, which is directed to children at the elementary school level.
The book “My Friend, the Dictionary” comes in both Arabic and English to aid the children in learning “the art of writing” for Arabic words and their English equivalents, and it is organize according to the Arabic alphabetical order. Its authors started by putting down the words and then they moved on to creating short sentences that are embellished with colored drawings and pictures, which simplifies the meanings in the student’s mind. Through reading and learning them, the student can discover the meanings of the words, colors and things that surround their small world. In order to cement the word in their minds, they write these words several times in both languages and this is why it is called “My Friend, the Dictionary” and it ends with practice exercises.
This dictionary includes several benefits:
- An educational benefit through the new expressions that the child gains, and as such, their culture and mind become richer.
- An artistic benefit through the brilliant colored images, which is crowded with movement in the form it was drawn and executed. As such, it elevates the child’s artistic taste.
- A pedagogical benefit through the educational method that distinguishes the dictionary in terms of taking the idea to their mind.
صديقي القاموس : مُصَمًّمٌ ليُعرِّفَ أبناءَنا الصّغار الى العالم الذي يحيطُ بهم... فيكتشفون أسماء الناس، والحيوانات والأشياء حَسْبَ التّسلسل الهجائي باللغة العربية أولاً وبمقابلها اللغة الانكليزية أو الفرنسية.
ولكي تترسخ الكلمة في أذهانهم يقومون بكتابة هذه الأسماء عدّة مرّات باللغتين ومن هنا تسميته بـ"صديقي القاموس".
يتضمّن هذا القاموس فوائد عدة:
- فائدة تعليمية تثقيفية من خلال التعابير الجديدة التي يكتسبها الولد فيغني ثقافته وذهنه.
- فائدة فنيّة من خلال الصّور الملوّنة والبديعة والتّي تعجّ بالحركة بطريقة رسْمها وآدائها فتصقل ذوقه الفنّي.
- فائدة تربويّة من خلال الطريقة التعلميّة التي يتميّزُ بها القاموس من حيث ايصال المعلومة الى فكره ...