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- 05. Contemporary Arabic اللغة العربية المعاصرة
This approach helps bridge cultural gaps and enhances the relevance of the learning material, making it more accessible and engaging for students. The integration of contextual elements ensures that learners are not only mastering the Arabic language but are also gaining insights into how it interacts with and reflects various cultural nuances. Through this holistic perspective, the manuals aim to foster a deeper understanding of the language and its usage in real-world contexts, ultimately supporting learners in achieving both linguistic proficiency and cultural competency.
تدمج هذه السلسلة مبادئ التعليم والعلوم الخاصة بتعلم اللغة العربية، مع مراعاة الخصوصيات الثقافية والاجتماعية ونمط الحياة الخاصة بالمتعلمين من الغرب. تم تصميمها بدقة لتتوافق ليس فقط مع النظريات والأساليب المعتمدة في اكتساب اللغة، بل أيضًا لتلبية السياقات الثقافية والاجتماعية المميزة للمتعلمين من الغرب .
من خلال دمج هذه الخصوصيات، تقدم السلسلة نهجًا مخصصًا يحترم ويستجيب للخلفيات والتجارب المتنوعة للمتعلمين من الثقافات الغربية. يساعد هذا النهج في سد الفجوات الثقافية ويعزز ملاءمة المادة التعليمية، مما يجعلها أكثر وصولًا وجاذبية للطلاب. يضمن دمج العناصر السياقية أن المتعلمين لا يتقنون اللغة العربية فقط، بل يحصلون أيضًا على رؤى حول كيفية تفاعلها مع الانعكاسات الثقافية المختلفة. من خلال هذه الرؤية الشاملة، تهدف الأدلة إلى تعزيز فهم أعمق للغة واستخدامها في السياقات الواقعية، مما يدعم المتعلمين في تحقيق الكفاءة اللغوية والتفاهم الثقافي .
05. Contemporary Arabic اللغة العربية المعاصرة
Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 1 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 1 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Specially developed for schools, this program has no community reference. Upon completing this level, you will be able to transform a sound into a written letter (writing and dictation) and vice versa. You will be able to read isolated letters, words, or groups of words to form sentences. Additionally, the vocabulary lessons will help you acquir...
Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 2 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 2 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Specially developed for schools, this program does not rely on any community reference. This level is designed to consolidate the learning achievements of the preceding levels. You will be able to read letters and use them in words or short, simple sentences. You will learn to distinguish between similar letters in both speaking and writing. Add...

Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 3 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Specially developed for schools, this program does not rely on any community reference. Learning is like a construction game. You will consolidate what you have learned in previous years while mastering your reading skills: articulation, phonetics, liaison rules, and the distinction between sounds and words. You will also learn to formulate sent...
Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 4 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 4 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Specially developed for schools, this program does not rely on any community reference. Upon completing this level, you will be able to read a text accurately, fluently, and clearly, using appropriate punctuation. You will be able to express yourself correctly in both writing and speaking, and formulate precise and detailed descriptions. Additio...
Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 5 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
Arabic Curriculum

Contemporary Arabic - Reading and Exercises: Level 5 العربية المعاصرة - القراءة و التمارين
This program, specially developed for schools, has no community reference. By the end of this stage, you will be able to accurately read Arabic texts, understand their various meanings, and reformulate them. The topics covered at this level, along with the types of discourse (descriptive, narrative), have been designed to help you achieve these ...