Level Three in the Al-Aafaq series builds on the lessons learned in the previous levels. Students are taught to form sentences using appropriate vocabulary. There is continuing practice with word formation. The past and present tenses are focused on and the student is taught to distinguish between different grammatical forms. Now greater emphasis is placed on sentence formation and conversational Arabic where alphabetical knowledge is reinforced and the “tanween” is introduced. Conversational skills are further developed using a broader range of vocabulary. Writing skills are focused upon. Islamic poetry, haddith and Surahs are studied.
A workbook accompanies the textbook in order to enhance comprehension and writing skills. This is a substantial workbook as students need plenty of practice at this stage of language study. The tenses which are introduced in the textbook are covered, the masculine and feminine nouns and other grammatical concepts. Workbooks are better quality papers.
Level 3 in the Afaq series builds on the lessons learned in the previous levels. Students are taught to form sentences using appropriate vocabulary. There is continued practice with word formation. The past and present tenses are focused on and the student is taught to distinguish between different grammatical forms. Greater emphasis is placed on sentence formation and conversational Arabic where alphabetical knowledge is reinforced and nunation (tanween) is introduced. Conversational skills are further developed using a broader range of vocabulary. Writing skills are focused upon. Islamic poetry, hadith, and some surahs are studied.
A workbook accompanies the textbook in order to enhance comprehension and writing skills. This is a substantial workbook as students need plenty of practice at this stage of language study. The tenses which are introduced in the textbook, masculine and feminine nouns, and other grammatical concepts are covered. Workbooks are printed on high-quality paper.
يبني المستوى الثالث من سلسة الافاق على الدروس التي تعلمها في المستويات السابقة. تم تعليم الطلاب كيفية تكوين جمل باستخدام مفردات مناسبة. يوجد ممارسة مستمرة في تكوين الكلمات. يتم التركيز على ازمنة الماضي والمضارع وتعليم الطالب على التمييز بين القواعد المختلفة.
الان هناك تركيز على تكوين الجمل والمحادثة العربية حيث يتم تعزيز المعرفة بالأحرف الهجائية وتقديم التنوين. تم تطوير مهارات المحادثة من خلا ل استخدام مفردات بشكل أوسع. تم التركيز على مهارات الكتابة. تم دراسة الشعر الإسلامي والحديث والسور.
يرافق كتاب الطالب كتاب تمارين ليساعد على تطوير مهارات الاستيعاب والكتابة. هذا كتاب تمارين جوهري لان الطلاب يحتاجون الكثير من الممارسة في هذه المرحلة من دراسة اللغة. تم تغطية الأزمنة المذكورة في كتاب الطالب كاملة في كتاب التمارين, الأسماء المؤنثة و المذكرة و مبادئ قواعدية أخرى. تم تصميم كتب التمارين بورق عالي الجودة.